chapter 31

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harrys pov

{read authors note at the end its very important}

my eyes flutter open just to be greeted with the familiar banging in my head after a long night. i look down at my body to see im still fully clothed in my superwoman costume.

the memories from last night begin to flash through my mind and i immediately jump out of bed and run down stairs to find him and i do.. but i wish had stayed in bed.

hes sat with a coffee cup but he looks horrible.there's dark circles under his eyes where there used to be brightness, he has dull tear soaked cheeks that used to be full of color, but worst of all his eyes, they are dull and lifeless when they used to be full of joy and happiness.

"Lou-" i begin but he cuts me off


"really!" i breath "you shouldn't be the one that's fucking mad, you cheated first!" i yell with a mixture of tears and spit flying everywhere.

"i didn't fucking cheat on you!" louis stands up from his seat with a horrible look on his face

"don't lie" i spit "she texted me all about it"

"who!" he yells

"Taylor" i scoff at the feeling i get when i say her name

he begins to laugh "you believe her? after everything you think i would go back to her"hurt floods his eyes "that sickens me"

and that's when i realize i was the one that messed up i did the wrong, when i could have just asked him and told Taylor to fuck off "l-Lou" i look anywhere but his eyes "i..i just..was so mad" i begin to defend my self but whats the point. by the look on his face i can tell i already lost him.

"harry, i gave you my heart. i gave you my soul, i gave you it all and you just threw in away" tears are now spilling out of his eyes

"no-" i choke " this" i motion between us" this is not over we can fix this" i sit beside him where he is now sitting on the floor straddling himself "i love you.. and you love me" i state but its more like a question

"go" he whispers

"no louis you have to understand..i love you" i sob "baby we could go through hell and back and id still want to be with you. ill stick through the good and the bad. just don't let go and ill be here. don't give up" i beg

"harry. my biggest fear was losing you but now.. now that you've done this, i feel like my heart was burned" he sobs "and now the only thing i want is to never see you again"

"a-are you breaking up with me?" i suck in a deep breath but begin to choke on my sobs

i wait for a answer but it never comes.

"no.. no baby we can make this work i promise, i love you, i love you, i love you please" i sob and reach out for him but hes gone, not physically but i feel it he is slowly slipping away from me "im sorry" my sobbing hardens

"me too" a single tear slips from his eye

my heart is heavy and my breaths harden "don't do this"

"i have to" his sobs are killing me

"Lou if you do this i promise you im coming back"

"don't" his eyes are red and with every breath his bottom lip quivers

"i cant just stop loving you its impossible" hes slowly ripping my heart out

"nothings impossible"hes speaking so calmly but his emotions are everywhere, it honestly worries me.

once again i reach for him but he quickly jerks away making me let out a loud sob "louis i love you we can make this work.. please"

"i love you" he whispers

"then lets fix this i promise you i can fix this don't let me go louis" my head is banging and i know i look just as bad as him

its quiet, the only thing heard is the sobs escaping both of are mouths

"don't let me go" i whisper

"goodbye" i let out a loud sob/scream, its a horrible noise but i cant help it.. my heart was just broken by the only man i will ever love.

and with that i stand up and stumble towards the door but before walking out i turn around to get one last glance at him, i know its not the last time ill see him because we still are in the band but its the last time ill see him before he will shut me out completely.

"i will always love you" i whisper before walking out and leaving my love and my heart behind.

{read the authors note its very important}

#sorrynotsorry so i haven't decided if im gonna make this the last chapter or not.. but im also thinking about making a sequel so comment if you want me to but ill let you know but i dont think this will be the last chapter!

*comment if you want a sequel and if you do comment what you want to happen ect.

-love harryxoxlouis

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