The Date: Ethan

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It's the day you & Ethan are meeting at Costa and you wear a nice peach dress and leave your hair in a messy bun, as you look at the time it's 11:45 you run down stairs as your date is at 12pm, you start walking when you get a text:

I'm almost there sweetie x

Alright i'm walking still x

You reach Costa and see Ethan, he welcomes you with open arms and you accept of course! You both walk inside and order. He orders a strawberry & banana smoothie & you order (What ever smoothie is your fav) you sit down whilst your waiting for your drinks and he speaks "You look stunning" he smiles "Thanks! You look handsome yourself" you blush "So i'm Ethan Dolan!" he laughs "I'm y/f/n" you laugh as well "My favourite colour is Red, Yours?" "Y/f/c" "Oh and i'm allergic to carrots,celery etc." "W/u/a/2" You guys keep talking when your names are called out for your drinks "I'll get em" he smiles and gets up. "Wow he is stunning! This is going amazing!" you think to yourself "Here you go princess" he says placing your drink in front of you "Thank you my prince" you laugh "Always!" he smiles. After an hour of talking and getting along great you two walk to Walmart and he puts you in a trolley and spins you a couple times after you scream your gunna be sick, he helps you out and he gets in, you run around the car park and he starts laughing whilst screaming happily. You guys sit outside for a while and speak a little more before walking by Blue Banana (Not sure if they have it New Jersey but oh well) And you say how you've always wanted your nose pierced "So go have it done! Your old enough" he says nudging you "I don't know!" you smile at the sound of fun "Go on!" he smiles showing a dazzling set of white teeth, "Alright, but will you hold my hand?" "Of course baby girl" he puts an arm around your shoulder as you both walk in "Hello, i would like a nose piercing with a silver stud please" you say shaking "Hey it's fine! you got me here" Ethan whispers to you "Sure! Name,age & address" the woman at the counter asks, you fill in the form and she puts it in a small box on a metal door, "Who is he to you?" She asks with a smile "I'm her boyfriend" Ethan smiles now holding you waist, you blush at his words and movement "Alright! Do you want him to go in with you?" She asks "Yes" you say holding onto Ethan. Your now sat down as your name is called "Well here you go!" He said smiling, you both walk in and you sit on the bed as he stands holding your hand "Okay, don't tense or scrunch your nose otherwise it may go wrong" A girl with allot of tattoos says holding a pierce gun up your nose "Just squeeze your Boyfriends hand if you need to y/n" she presses down the gun and you feel a little pinch and your right eye waters for that's the side you had it pierced the girl hands you a towel as she tells you to look on the mirror "Thats fine" you smile "Alright, you can go now" she smiles "Thanks" You & Ethan say leaving "Well i thought i was gunna have a broken arm for sure!" he laughed "Thanks!" you say "It's okay" he smiled "I mean for the day out and to encourage me to get my nose done" you smile "Sure thing princess" he says hugging you , he kisses your hand so you kiss his cheek as you say your goodbyes and you walk home whilst smiling wildly!!!!

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