5 Year Anniversary

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You wake up and start your normal routine of shower, breakfast, brushing your teeth and *ding*

Grayson is already texting you.

He tells you to be ready for 1 and to look good.

You text him back saying "don't i always look good..?" before you continue your routine.

As you sit at your vanity you start to wonder what he has planned...Hiking...Surfing...Dinner...Hangout? You laugh at yourself getting lost in your thoughts as you start to apply primer to your face making your face look more awake and ready for the day.

You decide to go with a no make-up make-up look, consisting of concealer, brow gel, mascara, powder, lipgloss and a little bit of contour in areas. Slowly you start daydreaming about how this day could turn out as Grayson's second text pulls you out of thought.

"I have left you a gift on your porch, please wear it. It's the first of many gifts to come today"

You can't help but smile at his consideration.

You practically run downstairs to your front door, before opening it you come to the realisation that your still only in a towel. You brush yourself off hoping it somehow makes you look more presentable incase Grayson is behind the door. You swing open the door to find a present there like he said. It has a small card underneath it with your name on it. You pop your head out the door slightly to take a look around for Grayson's car or himself but he's nowhere in sight.

You walk back into your house sighing in defeat knowing he probably won't actually show until 1.

You eagerly tear open the purple wrapping paper and gasp when the gift is revealed. It's Grayson's signature scent WakeHeart perfume. You immediately text him thanking him and assuring him you will wear it.

You enter your room and remember the card that came with the perfume. As you start to pull the card out of its envelope a picture falls out onto your bed. You pick it up and flip it over to see your favourite picture of you and Grayson your mom had taken at Christmas almost 3 years ago.

Your attention moves back over to the card, it says
"I wanted you to feel like you have a piece of me no matter where we may be, though we will not be apart for much longer. Your next gift is with your mom"

"Grayson Bailey Dolan" you laugh as you spray some perfume on your wrists.

As you get into a taxi you get a call from your mom, she tells you that she's at one of her client's home and will send you the address.

You pull into the drive and waltz up the small pebble slabbed steps to meet your mom at the door.

"Gray told me to give you this" she smiles and hands you a medium size box that's wrapped in the same purple wrapping paper. (last in book)

You open it up to find a photo album that Grayson has personalised the front to say "Our Story". You flick through the pages to find some really old cringe photos of the both of you but it makes you feel warm at the feeling of being with him for 5 years.

"5 years... that's gone by so fast" your mom says smiling looking over your shoulder, you turn to speak but you get interrupted by your phone buzzing. You're confused to see Ethan calling you.

"Hey y/n, Gray has given me strict orders to carefully hand deliver your next gift. See you in 10"

You don't even have time to answer him before he's ended the call "Well then... Ethan is on his way i guess" you laugh off.

Whilst you wait for Ethan your Mom dragged you on a tour around the house. It's like something out a movie. The ceilings are tall, the walls never end, there's windows in the ceiling in some rooms, the master bedroom has it's own ensuite, the kitchen could be a basket ball court. It's insane! You return to the living room as Ethan's car pulls up. "I wonder what your next gift is!" your mom squeals in excitement.

"Close your eyes! Now!" Ethan burst through the door "Okay!" you almost jump as he grabs your hand and places something metal there. "Okay you can open them" he smiles "Oka-" "Wait do you have any guesses first!?" he puts his hands on yours to make sure they're still covering your eyes "Ummm.." "Too long just open them". You open yours eyes to see a beautiful pandora bracelet with a few charms on there "There's also a card with it" Ethan breaks the silence.

You take the card and read it aloud- "your third gift  will be lucky so i decided to get you a bracelet with meaningful charms. the letter G for me because i want a piece of me to definitely always be with you, i love you heart for i want you to always be reminded of how much i love you y/n, a crown to also remind you of much a queen you are and a house because your final gift is that i have bought us the house you just had a tour of "

You find yourself almost stutter over the last sentence, as you look up at your mom and Ethan your mom pulls out a set of keys from her pocket "Congratulations darling!" she almost shouts "Congratulations y/n!" Ethan grins "What!?" you asked confused as to what's just been said, suddenly Grayson comes through the door grinning ear to ear.

"I love you! so much!" is all you manage to say when you see him "I love you so much too!" he chuckles "Is this for real!? this house is ours?" you exclaim "Yes it is, i guess you like it then" he leans in and kisses you "I absolutely love it" you say after breaking the kiss "I'm glad because i may have lied to you" his expression changes from happy to worried in a matter of seconds "What?" your heart drops "The house wasn't your final present, this is".

He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small white box and hands it to you. You open it to find another charm for your bracelet, it's a carriage. "To symbolise your first car, there was no car charm so" he chuckles and scratches the back of his neck as your mom gasps. You pull him in and kiss him, between a few you manage to say "Thank you" about 10 times, he pulls away and says "Follow me".

He takes you out to the drive and sitting in the middle of his car and Ethan's car is a Black Mercedes-Benz GLC Coupe. You almost scream at the sight of it "WHAT!!!!" "YOU GOT ME- WHY DID- THANK YOU! THANK YOU!" You jump into his arms and shake him whilst smothering him in kisses. "I can not wait to spend another 5,10 even 20 years with you y/n"

Author's Note
Hey guys! First of all i'm so so thankful for every single one of you that have read, voted and maybe even shared my book! I'm so grateful, thank you all so much. Second of all i am now active again writing more stuff and i intend on staying active lmao. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Another one coming soon. -Kate x

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