Challenge Accepted: Grayson

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You were at Gray's house when Ethan came in the kitchen with a bag full of food "Um are you getting cravings Eth?" you laugh "No, it's Tuesday" He laughs, you look at Gray with a confused face "Dolan Twin Tuesday" He say walking up to the bag and rummaging through it "Alright, where's the camera?" He asks putting all the food on the counter "In Cameron's Room" Ethan says as he grabs the blender off the side "What are you filming?" You ask him getting up and looking at the different types of food he got, they were mostly liquids, "Blender Challenge" he says pulling a small wooden table from the living room their front room "You need help?" You say picking up the foods "Actually wanna be in it?" He smiles "Sure" you smile not knowing what You had just gotten yourself into "Got em!" Gray shouts from the stairs "Gray, Y/n is joining in, I brought loads of ingredients anyways" Ethan smiles grabbing a table cover and placing it over the table "Sure you can handle it baby girl?" He says smirking before kissing you "I'm sure Dolan" you smile through the kiss "Remember no flirting or kissing in the video, you don't want the fans to know" Ethan says sitting down "Right" You both say as Gray turns the camera on and you sit down.
(Again, I changed it around)
"Hey Guys! Today we are doing the Blender Challenge" Ethan says placing his hand on the blender "We have ingredients written down on these bits of paper and we are going to pull one out and that is the item we are adding to our lovely drink" Gray smiles "Also, We have a Guest! Introduce yourself!" Ethan smiles as they both point at you "Hi! I'm y/n and I'm friends with these ugly idiots!" You laugh "Very funny" Gray says grabbing your cheeks "So! Let's get started!" he shouts. "Okay, Mustard" Ethan sighs before grabbing that item, "Alright, Pop-tart" You say as Ethan gives it to you "And, V8" Gray pulls a face of disgust as he reads it aloud "Haha unlucky bud, Um... Milk" Eth says "We're gunna leave the milk in the fridge until we need it" Gray adds "Okay, Cinnamon" You cry as Gray hands it to you. Once y'all finished getting the ingredients you had to make the drinks, Ethan dumped all his items in and blended it as you all danced, mostly hand actions but it's still dancing to you "Ready Boooooy?" Gray laughs as he pours the bad smelling liquid into Ethan's glass "I'ma need Jesus after dis" he jokes before slowly chugging the drink down "Eww, that is rank as..." he couldn't even finish his sentence before coughing mentally, You slapped his back, for You were sat in between them "You alright?" Gray says from down the line "If drinking an undrinkable liquid is alright then, Yup all good" Ethan coughs before chuckling a bit "Y/n's tuuuurn!" Ethan smiles "Don't choke" Gray smirks as you catch on "Grayson Bailey!" You laugh, Ethan had cleaned the blender out after his drink so you could make yours, you added your items in and blended it, as You took the lid of the smell was horrible "Oh god" You shake pouring it into your glass, You sip it and it doesn't taste as bad as it smells, thank god! but the boys don't know that. You drank it all down in one and the after taste was the pop-tart "Was it bad?" Gray asks staring at you "Horrible" you lie laughing under your breath "I don't want to do this" Gray says before going to clean the blender "Stop being a pussy!" The two of you shout before smirking at each other "Twins!" Gray laughs before coming back into the room "Shut up" you & Ethan say again in sync "Okay we need to stop" you laugh "Agreed" Gray & Ethan say "No!" Ethan laughs "Alright! Graybae's turnnn!!" Ethan jokes "Okay Ethy Wethy!" He laughs "No!" He says pissed, Grayson smirks as he pours all his ingredients in the blender and mixes them before looking over to Ethan still smirking, he pours it in the glass and it smells actually Nice "Yes! It smells good! I'm gunna win this!" His ego speaks "Crack On Bro" Ethan smiles as Gray chugged down the drink before Automatically throwing it all back up "OMFG EWWWW!!" He says spitting it out "Don't judge a book by it's cover" You laugh "What?" he says wiping his mouth "Might have looked nice and smelt it but it was disgusting right?" Ethan said stilling laughing a bit "Yeah, Taste it!" He said putting it in your faces "I'm full thanks" you both laugh.
"Thanks for watching!" Ethan says smiling to the camera "Hope you enjoyed!" You smile as well "See you Tuesday!" Grayson smiles "PEACE!" You all say throwing a peace sign to the camera

A/N: Who Is Your Fav?

I have about 5 more chapters each for em so i'ma get started!! Also Thanks again to purplelolo for the chapter idea, like I said I'm stacked with ideas a second but I will still accept ideas from you guys! Ilysm💖-Kat xx

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