Protective Brother

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(Part 2!)
You were at home when your boyfriend Myles texts asking if he can come over and you said yes of course when Ethan came in "Hey y/n i'm going out for a bit, see you later" he said before leaving "Alright" you say as you get up to put something better on before Myles came over, you looked through your drawers to find one of his shirts and some gym leggings and you got changed when you heard Grayson singing to Drake so you told him that Myles was coming over "So stay in your room, i don't want you to embarrass me ok?" you say sternly "Alright fine" he says turning down his music a bit when you heard the door bell go off "He's here! Stay there" you laugh as you close his door and go downstairs and answer the door "Hey babe!" you say kissing him "Hey baby! i brought some movies!" he smiled "And beers" you sigh "Whats wrong?" he says lifting your chin up "Nothing! I just feel sick n i don't really wanna drink" you smile "Thats okay princess!" he says setting down the beers on the table. When ever Myles drinks he is aggressive and hits you sometimes but he can never remember it in the morning, so you don't really tell him but he drinks all the time so it happens allot. "So? Saw 1 2 or 3?" he says grabbing a drink already "Number 2" you says grabbing the remote and sitting on the sofa "Alright then!" he says as he puts it in the tv and lays next to you as you play with his hair. Half way through the movie you had fallen asleep but woke up to Myles "Where's the beer gone? Did you take it?!" he yelled "No, Myles you ran out of it" you say realising he is drunk "No i didn't! You fucking took it! You always do you bitch" he says moving you trying to find more beer "Myles just go home" you say turning the tv off  and getting up "No! I came here to watch a movie with my girlfriend!" he yells "I knew Tyler was right when he said i should break up with you" you whispered "What? you were speaking to Tyler? Are you cheating on me?" you says trying to stand up "No!" you say watching him "I always knew you were a filthy sneaky whore" he says now in your face, you slapped him and he looked pissed "Myles! I'm sorry, i didn't mean to! Please!" you say standing back "Did you just HIT ME?" he screams as he punched you in the face followed by a couple kicks in the side "Lets see if the saw traps work shall we?" he said grabbing a knife "No! Myles don't!" you scream "Ready?" you smiles "GRAYS..." you scream trying to run up the stairs but he slashes your calf a couple times "Baby, i just wanna play!" he laughs as he pulls you back down the stairs "Myles, please this is not you! please baby!" you say trying to reach for the knife when you see someone come flying down the stairs "GET THE FUCK OFF ME!" Myles yells "WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY SISTER YOU MESS!" Grayson shouts, you quickly get up and put the knife back as you look back to see Grayson punching him all over the face "YOU FUCKING STABBED HER! I'M GUNNA KILL YOU ASSHOLE" Grayson shouted as Myles starts to punch Grayson back, all you could see was red, it was everywhere when you felt dizzy and remembered you calf, it was pouring out with blood "Shit" you stutter before fainting

Grayson's Pov
Y/n had passed out so i knew it was all me right now, i kneed him in the gut and grabbed an empty bottle before smashing it and stabbing him in the stomach "THIS IS WHAT YOU GET!" i screamed before whacking him over the head. I got up and rushed to y/n when i seen Ethan walk in with his jaw dropped "Help Eth!" i screamed "What happened?" he said grabbing out his phone "Myles stabbed y/n and i got him off her" i said picking up y/n and carrying her outside "Your covered in blood, Gray and your face!" he says "DON'T WORRY ABOUT ME!" i shouted as an ambulance came around the corner, i ran up to it and gave them y/n when she woke up "Grayson, Thank you" she whispered "It's fine! Just don't worry okay? I love you y/n" i said as they closed the doors before they drove me to the hospital to be checked out.

There you go!! Big Thanks again to dolansRbae for the idea!! 2 more chapters to go for the minute and i hope you guys liked this chapter!!-Kat xx

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