16: Rooms and Rooms of Art

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stop and stare,

engulf yourself in the beauty.

oil on canvas,


a Polaroid.

the simple things,

can be the most fascinating.

a jumble of words on paper

bringing tears to a girl's eyes.

powerful words,

drops of paint,

in the perfect order.


each taking in every detail.

don't speak,

let me focus.

drown me in the color,

let me roll the delicate words

off my tongue.

the thud of my heels

as I walk the cold floor

each step slow and steady.

"take it in,"

my mother said

"don't miss it, don't let it slip away."

keep your eyes on the wall

for if I let them wander off,

who knows if I'll refocus the lens.


a/n: my favorite pastime is visiting art museums, if you couldn't already tell.

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