Teaching the newbie

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It was a seedy bar, probably just on the cusp of illegality. It reeked of sweat and sex as gaggle of girls gyrated their bodies. Camila Cabello, a university teacher, found a dozen infractions which would lead a magistrate to close it down, ranging from fire regulations to the definite smell of pot in the toilets. This lesbian bar was short of attractive girls. She was disappointed by her choices for the evening. The ones who were her type were taken and the others she could not picture being with. Many looked like boys in drag with t-shirts and tattoos. She sighed and sipped her martini.

Shaking her head, Camila directed away the fat, ugly troll who had stomped over to chat her up. The woman walked away, looking for a more pliable partner. Camila knew she shouldn't be so picky, it had been over a month since she'd had sex. Fingers and toys would do for a time, but she needed real company. Toying with her drink, Camila decided she'd give it five more minutes and if no one remotely attractive arrived, well she'd go up to small redhead sitting at the bar who was giving her the eye and see if she wanted to go home.

The five minutes went faster than Camila had hoped, so quickly that she decided to give herself another five and then another. Still no joy, she drank the last of her martini and stood up; the small redhead would have to do. Picking up her jacket, she quickly cast a last desperate eye over towards the door.

And that was when Lauren walked in. Camila's student looked around nervously before cautiously walking over to the bar. Camila draped her jacket back over the chair, and gave a quick thank you to a God she wasn't sure she believed in. She walked over behind Lauren. The young student was in her civilian clothes; beanie, black tee, tight white jeans and boots with a Walkman headphone clasped round her neck. She was looking nervously at the drinks, seemingly unsure what to get.

"Hello Lauren." said Camila.

The young student jumped at the mention of her name. Her frightened face turned round to look at Camila, "Ma'am," she gasped out in her thick Miamian accent, "I'm not gay, honest Ma'am. I'm just here for a drink."

It was so obviously a lie. Camila wondered why Lauren would think she'd believe her. She smiled at her nervous student, "In that case why don't I get you one. What do you want?"

"Bacardi and coke," Lauren forced a smile onto her face. Camila had always thought her student was attractive when she smiled, she had just never thought that she might also be a lesbian.

Turning to the barmaid, Selena said, "Bacardi and Coke and a babycham."

Picking up the drinks she headed for the table followed closely by Lauren, the young student casting worried looks at the women around them. Camila raised her glass to her lips, it was warm and flat. At least Lauren seemed to like her Bacardi, as she sat there sipping it. A thought seemed to come to the green eyed girl, "What are you doing here Ma'am?"

Camila grinned and put down her drink, "Unlike you, Lauren, I am gay."

"Oh," replied Lauren and went beetroot red.

Camila reached her hand across the table and lent it gently on Lauren's, allowing her fingers to stroke her skin. If Camila was wrong about Lauren's sexuality her hard won reputation with the university would be going out the window. She paused, pleased that Lauren hadn't reacted by snatching her hand away, "Lauren, you're not really here for a drink are you? You're gay."

"Ms Cabello," Lauren looked like she was about to cry, "I feel so disgusting, but I can't help it; it's just the way women look - they do something to me. I'm sorry, it's wrong."

Camila tried not to smile, she could remember feeling the same way. Luckily she had lost her virginity in her teens with one of her college friends and had never looked back. She couldn't imagine what it was like to be in mid-twenties and still be trying to repress her feelings. She stroked her thumb against the back of Lauren's hand and tried to speak encouragingly, "It's not disgusting Lauren. Some women like men, others like other women. Neither is right or wrong, they just are."

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