The interview pt2

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"Ok girls, everybody ready? Now remember, this is a live interview so any question goes, be prepared and be ready to fake any facial expression!" Will shouted.

"And we're live in 5...4..." The director counted down the rest silently with his fingers.

"Hi! We're here live with the girls of fifth harmony!" The girls all waved and greeted the camera. "Thank you so much for being here with us, we know how hectic your schedules can be so again, thank you so much."

"We gotcha babe, don't worry about it," Lauren winked at the interviewer causing an innocent blush to raise on Camila's cheek, even though it wasn't directed at her.

They all giggled and got on with the interview.

"So, what is it like being on tour for your second album, your first got so many mixed reviews; the main one being the push back dates and this one was so fast. None of your fans knew to expect it!"

"Yeah! With the first one there was so much being put behind it and with it being our first album, we felt like it needed time to be perfected, you know what I mean? and with this one, we knew the direction in which we were headed so we just got straight down to work," Camila explained.

"Definitely, Camila's spot on," Lauren added, "we had that little extra experience so we just needed to get inside that recording studio and let it out, literally!"

"And what else was new with this album, did you guys do anything different from the first or was the ride pretty much the same, just a little faster?"

"No, I think it's definitely different this time around," ally said. "We've all grown as people and matured a lot and I think this album shows that. It's more r'n'b and slow than the first and I think it's just more grown up, so to speak," Dinah added.

"Yeah, and it's also the fact that we also have a few tracks solely written by Dinah, Lauren and Camila, they're amazing, like you give them pen and paper and they come up with the most amazing lyrics you could think of!" Normani gushed.

"Yeah I heard! I must say girls, I am personally in love with all of your songs!" They all thanked the interviewer.

"Now unfortunately we don't have that much time and I'm a little curious about the fan questions so you want to go ahead and answer a few Twitter questions?" The girls all cheered and agreed. Some more than others.

"Ok, this one is for Dinah! @fhfolyf wants to know if you've ever met Mariah Carey personally."

"Yes! Oh my god, me and Mani actually went to Vegas for her cousins birthday and we were heading to our hotel and suddenly all of these paparazzi were at the door and while we were at the lobby, in walks Mariah! She had to wait for her keys and she just casually started talking to us, we were speechless!!" Dinah spoke. "I know! We were literally there like..." Normani made a shocked facial expression causing the other girls to laugh at the two that were now hifiving like crazy.

"Haha, alrighty, we got one here from lorenjergi, they wanna know if you girls have ever gotten kicked out of somewhere."

"Oh jeez, yes," Lauren admitted, "we were at the Baftas in London and we attended the after party with Harry and Liam from one direction and somebody," she said, pointing to Camila, "fangirled a little too much at Ed Sheeran waving at her that she spilled her drink on this huge producer and they asked us to leave,"

"Which was ridiculous because he could have just changed his shirt, if Adele spilled something they would be licking it off the floor," Camila muttered, receiving an angry glare from their PR.

The interviewer laughed and kept asking questions, they ranged from who's the biggest flirt to who's the best cook.

"Ok. I have an interesting one here, it's for Camila!" the brunette chuckled nervously and nodded her head.

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