The interview

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I apologize in advance for this.


The girls were in hair and make up, getting ready for their Q&A. They didn't really care much for these since they would always get the same questions over and over again. It got tedious and boring.

"Come on girls! Get going, it's almost time!" Their manager shouted.

The girls sat on the long couch getting their mics set up. It was Dinah at the end, Ally, Normani then Lauren and Camila next to her. They were chatting about the latest Twitter argument between two celebs when one of their producers sat in front of them.

"Ok girls, it's almost time, there's a bunch of questions from Twitter here, you know the drill. Which types of question do you not want to answer and what topics in general?" She asked the girls.

They thought about it and Dinah was the first to speak up. "Can you not ask anything to do with favorite stuff please, I feel like we always answer those!" Normani was quickly to agree, "yeah everybody already knows what our favorite animals are and favorite foods!"

"Oh and try not asking about who takes longer and wakes up later, that's so typical as well," Dinah added.

"I don't particularly wanna answer anything to do with Brad or James or any of the vamps, and don't bring up little mix either, it's just annoying," Lauren said with a sigh.

"Oh yeah, don't say anything about Austin please, that's awkward enough as it is!" Camila added with a slight chuckle.

"Just no boyfriend talk in general," Ally said, laughing.

"And for the love of god don't bring up Camren or anybody with Camren on their Twitter handle." Lauren added with a quick and annoyed eye roll.

The girls remained quiet at this and Camila visibly winced. She put on a fake smile nevertheless but the girls tried sending her sympathetic looks.


The interview went fairly well, there was an incident when there was a Twitter handle called CamrenHope but the interviewer smoothly worked around it, mispronouncing it 'CarmenHope'. Lauren noticed it though and let out an internal groan and an eye roll that didn't go unnoticed by the girls. Or Camila.

They made their way out of the room and into their tour bus. Camila sped up slightly and got into her bunk, to avoid any of the girls seeing her tears.

"What's wrong with her?" Lauren asked.

Dinah and Ally shook their heads and walked to the end of the bus where the living area was.

"You know, for someone who graduated high school with a 5.2 GPA, you sure are dumb as hell Lo," Normani muttered while making her way outside.

'What did I I do?' She thought.

She walked to the bunk area and stood by Camila's.

"Camz?" She whispered, in the hopes of the younger girl being asleep. "You awake?"

She felt the curtain open and the sight almost broke her heart. Camila was crying. Her eyes were red and swollen and she still had the slight hiccups. "what do you want Lauren?" She asked, speaking softly.

"Camila..." She breathed, "what happened, what's wrong?" Lauren made a move to grab Camila's hand but the younger girl flinched away before she could. "Nothing," Camila replied, turning back around on her bunk, her back to Lauren.

Lauren decided it was best to just leave the girl to her thoughts. She joined Dinah and Ally in watching tv.

"You ok?" Ally asked.

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