Scientific Dreams

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"Ok guys, I know it's Friday and you're all excited to head on home to get ready for the crazy parties full of underage drinking and illegal sexual relations but we still have an hour of science and I'd like you all to pay close attention, this will go toward your final paper. "

This teacher is seriously out of this world, not only is she gorgeous and incredibly sexy but she's also cool as hell!

I stared at Ms Cabello while she explained what we had to do, her brown hair reached down to her lower back and her cute little nose was holding a pair of small glasses that were slightly hiding her perfectly colored brown eyes. I've never been one to enjoy brown eyes but hers just entice me to the point where I can't look away no matter what I do.

She sat at her desk looking around at her students, smiling a little. Ms Cabello is the type of teacher to actually take pride in her student's education; she enjoys seeing the light bulbs go off when someone understands something that she explained and I find that incredibly amazing. She doesn't do this for a paycheck, she does it out of joy.

I sighed and kept staring at my science teacher. Everybody loves her, she's cool, she's stylish and she's modern. However, she can sometimes be the butt of the joke from the dumb jocks because of her extreme smart brain.

Ms Cabello was an extremely book smart woman but she never did understand the dirty comments the jocks would sometimes make and it pissed me off extremely every single time.

The bell rang, bringing me out of my reverie and I groaned in frustration. Once again I had spent the whole hour thinking of Camila instead of actually paying attention!

"Lauren, could you please stay behind a little please, I'd like a word," she said in that silky voice that could put me right to sleep. I nodded with a foolish smile on my face. Once everybody was out of the room Ms Cabello made her way towards me and perched herself on the desk in front of me.

I stopped breathing. She was wearing a beautiful blue dress that ended just above her knees, as soon as she sat in front of me her dress rode up slightly, giving me an amazing view of her tanned legs that seemed to go on forever. It didn't make anything better once she decided to cross her legs. I gulped.

"Is everything alright Lauren? I couldn't help but notice that you haven't been very active in my lessons," she said calmly.

I couldn't reply so she kept going. "Between the two of us: you're my favorite student," she winked. Oh my god, that wink. Is she trying to fucking kill me? "I just wanted to tell you that I'm here if you need to talk about anything, even if it's just a rant or if you're stuck on a topic, although I highly doubt that, my little smarty pants," she winked at me once again and uncrossed her legs.

I couldn't do this, I was scared of what I would do if I didn't get away from her right now so I stood up with the intention of leaving the room. She saw this and got up, standing in front of me to prevent me from leaving. She placed her hand on my forearm and looked up at me since I was slightly taller.

"Ms Cabello, I have to go," I breathed. She got closer and tilted her head. "Lauren I see the way you look at me..." She whispered, "I know, because it's the same way I look at you." Ms Cabello finished.

Great, now I was hallucinating.

"Just please tell me that it isn't in my head, look me in the eyes and tell me that I don't imagine the looks you give me and the way you practically eye fuck me." Oh Jesus.

I breathed out deeply, closing my eyes.

"It isn't in my head, is it?" She asked.

She leaned her head to my neck and very lightly pressed her full and cold lips to my neck, eliciting goosebumps.

"Ms Cabello..." I whispered. My self control was flying out the window very fast.

"Call me Camila, please," she said, slightly grazing my lips with hers.

I pushed forward and our lips met, barely. It was so soft that I felt like I was kissing a cloud. I opened my mouth and could feel her hot breath entering mine. Her tongue followed just after and licked my lips. Closing my mouth, I trapped her tongue and sucked lightly, making her moan. I almost died at the sound.

In a sudden movement I grabbed her thighs and picked her up, walking over to sit her on her desk. Our mouths moved fervently against one another's. She grabbed at my belt and started undoing it and unzipping my pants. I reached behind her and tried to unzip her dress but I was finding it difficult so I just grabbed the hem at the bottom and ripped it all the way up. She gasped and her eyes rolled to the back of her head, from the pleasure no doubt.

"You're so strong," she breathed out, tracing my biceps, "fuck me."

"You want me to fuck you Camila?" I asked, absentmindedly grinding into her center. She nodded breathlessly, slightly panting. "You want me to go easy on you?" I asked.

"Fuck no," I grinned at her response. "Hmm the smarty too good of a teacher likes it rough huh?" I didn't wait for her response before I dipped my hand under her panties and harshly entered her with two fingers.  "Oh god yes!" She moaned. She reached up and lifted my shirt over my breast, moving my bra cup down and placing her teeth around my nipple. I gasped at the feeling and added another finger inside Camila while working my thumb over her clit. She screamed and clawed at my stomach. "Harder, Lauren, fuck me harder" she growled at me.

I pounded my fingers inside her, my wrist starting to ache but I didn't stop. I kept going until she was practically riding my hand and cussing every word in the dictionary. The desk was banging on the ground making a horrible noise but it was muffled by the screams that were leaving her mouth. I was soaking my panties just watching her come undone.

She came on my fingers, her pussy clenched around them and I could feel her juices trailing onto my hand. I removed my hand after she had calmed down significantly. She looked at me with hooded eyes, I removed my hand from her panties and before I had a chance to clean then, she grabbed my hand and very slowly opened her mouth around them. She licked very thoroughly making sure to taste herself well. I swear I could have came purely at the sight.

She was just about to reach into my panties, licking her lips when the door opened.

I looked at the door and once I looked back to the front I was no longer standing in front of the desk, I was sat at my seat near the back. What the hell..?

"Ok class, that's it for today, I'm guna leave you a few minutes earlier due to your principal wanting a word with you guys. Have a nice weekend, enjoy all of your illegal activities and I'll see you on Monday!" With that, she left the classroom, leaving me dumbfounded at what kind of vivid dream I'd just had about my teacher.

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