Fantasies (G!P)

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A/n: trigger warning - sexual violence

I had her again today. Camila Cabello; the star of my fantasies, my goddess and my paradise. My music teacher.

She was sitting at the teacher's table in the cafeteria. I couldn't tear my eyes away, the way she laughed and the way she curled her hair around her finger made me fall in love with her by the second. I was hypnotized.

I fell for her the minute I saw her. The giggle and the cute tongue biting smile she pulled made me incredibly mushy, every lesson I had with her was heaven to me and something I looked forward to every week.

"Ok guys, settle down!" She said, laughing.

Even her voice was dreamy. I made sure to sit at the very back to admire her without the need of subtlety. Whenever she would pass the back row, I would lightly grab her fingers or carefully caress her thigh. She never said anything to me or made me stop so I suppose she either didn't mind or liked it - which I highly doubt. She was probably too nice to say anything about it, which worked in my favor.

"I hope you all finished your homework or there'll be detentions!" Most of the people here nodded and hummed positively.

I, however, saw an amazing opportunity to catch some alone time with my princess.

"Miss. Cabello, I forgot mine. I'm sorry," I lied.

She just nodded without making eye contact with me. "Please stay behind after the bell."

I cowered a little. Maybe she actually hated me and got frustrated about spending time with me. Maybe the detention was with another teacher.

The bell finally rang after an eternity. After seeing everybody leave the room, I made my way to the front and awaited opposite her desk.

She got up and slowly walked to the book shelf. I followed her with my eyes and lingered on her ass; it was perfect.

"My eyes are up here, Lauren." I didn't even realize she had turned around. She was looking at me with annoyance which made me look to the ground in embarrassment.

My eyes darted up a few minutes later and I almost moaned at the sight. She was leaning forward on a table to grab something from the other table and her shirt rode up a little, showing her toned abdomen.

"Please take a seat right there." I sat where she indicated and slouched.

Camila walked around the classroom doing whatever it is that she does and I simply admired her amazing body.

I couldn't take it anymore. I stood abruptly from my seat, scratching the floor with the legs of the chair, which startled the brunette beauty. She looked surprisingly at me and a little scared. Camila backed up against the wall when she realized I was walking towards her.

"Lauren..." She whispered, afraid of what I would do.

I didn't reply, I simply grabbed her waist and pulled her body to mine. It was heaven. Her curves and dips fitted mine perfectly. Her scent was intoxicating.

I exhaled, nuzzling my face into her neck. Her heartbeat was rising rapidly; she wanted this as much as I did, I know it.

"Please stop..." I heard her say. I kissed her neck, the warmth her neck gave out was enough to make me grind on her thigh in search of friction.

"Camila," I moaned her name, grasping her ass and making her thrust into me.

"How do you know my name? Please stop, I don't want this, stop." She cried.

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