Best Friends and More (G!P)

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Warning - Lauren G!P


"I swear this teacher wants me to fail on purpose," Lauren groaned.

Camila sat on Lauren's bed, playing around on her phone. "Why, what's up?" She asked.

Lauren turned in her chair to face her younger friend. "She made me search this weird ass scientist but I can't find shit on him!" Lauren replied.

Camila stood up and made her way to Lauren's desk. She leaned over Lauren's body. Lauren had to do a double take when she looked over and Camila's breasts were right next to her face. She could feel herself grow slightly hard at the sight but she looked away before getting caught.

"You know your laptop screen shows reflection right?" Camila quipped with a chuckle. Lauren blushed a crimson color at the prospect of getting caught but luckily for her, they had been friends for so long that it wasn't weird when they glanced at each other or threw innocent gropes here and there.

Lauren, however, felt a little awkward because unbeknownst to her brown eyed friend, Lauren had been harboring incredibly strong feelings towards Camila. She didn't tell her because of their friendship, but it was a little hurtful when the two would go out and hold hands or they'd get drunk and Camila would pretend to be Lauren's girlfriend in order to shake off unwanted company from male ego. She never once thought to voice these thoughts though, in fear of them ending abruptly.

"Earth to planet green eyes!" Camila shouted. "Anybody there?" She laughed.

Lauren laughed nervously, "sorry, was just thinking of this science work"

"Well you need to concentrate harder babe, the reason you can't find anything is probably because you misspelled his're letting your people down ms Grammar queen," Camila winked and it almost made Lauren faint but she masked it with a nervous cough.

Camila went back to sitting on the bed playing around on her phone and Lauren went back to trying to concentrate on her work instead of having inpure thoughts about her best friend.

After a few minutes, Lauren had had enough of work and went to grab some water for the both of them. When she put down the glass on the bedside table next to Camila, she noticed that the younger girl was in fantasy world and wasn't paying any attention. She leaned over to check what Camila was doing and almost tripped when she noticed what was on the screen.

There was a girl on her knees, her eyes looking up and in front of her was a long and thick penis, the head gushing white cum onto the girl's beautiful eyes. Lauren felt herself twitch at the image.

"Lauren! Oh my god, it's not what it looks like!" Camila exclaimed laughing, when she noticed that Lauren was looking at her phone.

"Were you just looking at porn while at my house?" Lauren asked. Camila shook her head, her face was red in color and she was visibly flushed. "No! I was on tumblr, this stuff usually comes up, honestly!"

Lauren couldn't shake the image from her head and every second that passed, she could feel her pants tightening up.

"Camila can I talk to you?" She asked seriously, Camila noted the tone of Lauren's voice and put her phone aside. "Of course, you can talk to me about anything, you know that! what's up?"

Lauren took a deep breath and decided that it was time to come out to her best friend.

"You know how we promised to always be honest with each other?" She asked. Camila nodded.

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