The athlete and the doctor

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"Five minutes folks" the commentator stated.

"Five minutes and the Rikers are head to head with their rivals. Can number 27, Lauren Jauregui, do the impossible and take her team to their third consecutive championship?"

The crowd was going wild, Lauren could hear the yells and the chants and she wanted nothing more than to take her team all the way to the end once more.

She looked to her right and locked eyes with the medical advisor for their team. She smiled.

Ms. Cabello was looking her way and the two blushed at both being caught staring.

Lauren ran to her position, ready to receive the ball; she dribbled the ball through two left defenders, passed it to her teammate Coleman.

Coleman lifted the ball with her feet and kicked it towards the goal with force. The crowd silenced waiting for the result. The ball was deflected by the gloves of the other team's goalie, Perrie Edwards.

Everybody groaned and booed, the whistle was about to blow and every hope and dream for this high school to make history was going down the drain.

The ball came bouncing back to the field, however, and Lauren saw her opportunity. She stopped the ball with her chest and sprinted as fast as she could towards the goal. She could see the worry etched on Edwards' face. She grinned.

Lauren threw her leg back and kicked as hard as she could. Everybody held their breath. The ball went in and everything was defending. Lauren was glued to the ground, unable to move. She didn't believe anything until she felt her teammates grabbing her and lifting her off the ground.

"THEY HAVE DONE IT ONCE AGAIN EVERYBODY! The Rikers are champions for the third year running. They have made history by being the first high school team to gain three championship titles in a row!" The commentators shouted from happiness.

Everybody was estatic.

Lauren looked to the benches and watched the medical advisor walking to the locker rooms. She started walking in the same direction when she felt an arm on her shoulder.

"What the hell Laurenzo, we just won! Come on, come celebrate with us dude!"

"Here Dinah," Lauren took off her captain band and handed it to her teammate. "Your team now."

Dinah was confused but Lauren left before she had time to grab her again.

"Not staying for the celebration?" Lauren yelled into the empty locker room.

"I'm just the medical examiner, shouldn't the captain be leading the rest of the team?" Camila replied, leaning against the doorway.

"And miss seeing my girl? No way." Camila flinched at the term and looked away.

Camila saw Lauren approaching her and out her hands up, backing away, "Lauren don't. I told you, this can't happen."

"Camila..." Lauren breathed, "" Lauren kept walking towards the older girl, placing her hands on the small waist. "...I love you," Lauren said. She leaned in for a kiss but Camila turne her head, making Lauren kiss her cheek instead.

"Lauren..stop," Camila let out.

Lauren reached down and grabbed Camila's thighs, lifting her up, making the older girl wrap her legs around Lauren's waist.

"I saw you watching me play," Lauren smirked.

"You're in high school Lauren."

"Not for long," Lauren replied. "Kiss me," she demanded.

Camila turned her face and could no longer deny the beautiful green eyes in front of her. She crashed her lips against the athlete. Lauren started thrusting her hips into Camila's center, eliciting a moan from the doctor. Lauren smirked at the attempt Camila made of suppressing her moans. She dipped her tongue inside Camila's mouth and the two started battling for dominance.

Camila knew staying away from Lauren would be too hard, so she gave in and let Lauren dominate her. She let out a groan of frustration though, when Lauren pulled away. She thought the younger girl would walk out now and be content with just making out but boy, was she wrong!

Camila felt Lauren kneel in front of her. She looked down and made eye contact with the green eyes she adores so much. Her center was throbbing by now.

Lauren knew she didn't have much time; she pulled Camila's leggings and panties down just enough to see the front of her pussy. Her folds glistening in her arousal already. Lauren ran her tongue through it, making Camila moan loudly.

Camila laced her fingers through Lauren's black hair and pulled on it to make the girl go lower. Lauren reached down with her hand and teased Camila's entrance with her index finger.

"Lauren please...stop teasing..," Camila pleaded.

"Your wish is my command, my queen," Lauren replied, making Camila blush.

The younger girl entered the brunette's core while licking and sucking her clit.

Camila was writhing and squirming against the lockers. She couldn't hold still with Lauren lapping away at her pussy. Lauren moaned at the taste of the girl above her. The brunette felt he vibrations from Lauren's mouth and couldn't help herself; she came, whispering out Lauren's name over and over again. She almost ripped out Lauren's dark hair because of the hold she had on it.


Camila widened her eyes and panicked. Lauren stood, adjusting Camila's clothes. "It's ok, calm down," Lauren tried soothing the older girl.

"It's not ok Lauren!!" Camila whispered-yelled. "I'm guna get fired," she cried. "You're underage, still in high school and I'm guna get fired and then I'll go to jail!"

"Camila," Lauren giggled. "Just message my leg babe."

Camila shook her head in confusion. "This is no time for massages!" She leaned down anyway and started touching the athlete's leg when she saw a shadow entering the locker room.

Dinah looked in and saw Lauren standing, while the team's medic was crouching down near her legs.

"What's going on?" The tall girl asked with a slight smirk on her face.

Lauren could feel Camila about to panic so she quickly stepped in. "My muscles were killing me after that game so I asked Ms. Cabello to help me out a little." Camila visibly relaxed.

Dinah narrowed her eyes. "Hmm. Ok." The tall girl left once she told Lauren that the coach wanted to speak to her.

"That was close," Lauren giggled.

"Too close. I'm sorry Lauren, this will never happen again," Camila replied.

"Camila wait," Lauren called out when Camila started leaving the room.

Camila looked back and shrugged. "What Lauren?" The green eyed girl walked up to Camila and placed a chaste kiss on her lips, leaving Camila breathless. "I love you."

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