Never Have I Ever

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"Oh good, you're here! We don't have to rush now, we should probably leave at least like 11pm ish." Lauren told Camila who was entering her house.

"Your parents?" Camila asked.

"Out for the weekend," Lauren winked.

"Ok, so hurry and get all ready, hair and make up and stuff and then we can chill and drink for a bit," Lauren instructed.

Camila nodded and the two went their separate ways, ready to get the evening under way.

The two girls usually headed our to the club on weekends but they were still underage so they couldn't drink. Instead, they would get their friend Ally to buy them some drinks at the local supermarket. They then drunk at home before going out, that way that could dance and embarrass themselves without caring too much.

"Alright! All done, what are we doing tonight?" Camila asked.

" about we play never have I ever?" Lauren asked.

"Sure, but I suck at coming up with questions!" Camila replied.

"That's ok, I'll go first then. If you've done it then you've to drink it and because it's just the two of us; it doesn't matter if you have done it, just ask whatever comes to mind, got it?"

Camila nodded, "I think so."

"Ok, never have I ever...taken pictures of myself naked or semi naked.

Camila drank.

"Seriously?" Lauren asked, surprised.

"Oi, no judging!"

Lauren put her hands up in defense, "alright, alright! But like, just for yourself or to send to someone?"

Camila blushed furiously at the thought of sending someone naked pictures. "No, just for me, I just felt like it!"

"Fair enough," Lauren replied. "Your turn."

"Ummmm...never have I ever...touched myself."

"Oh come one, who hasn't! Drink up missy, you're not innocent either."

Both girls took a shot, laughing.

"Never have I ever thought about somebody in specific while getting myself off." Lauren said, looking intensely at Camila.

They both drank. Lauren wanted to ask who but she decided not to.

"Never have I ever let somebody be rough with me in bed." Camila said. She was caring less and less due to the alcohol in her bloodstream.

Lauren drank and blushed. Camila widened her eyes. "Oh wow..who?" Lauren almost choked. "Who have you thought about while getting yourself off?" She shot back. Camila gasped, "don't answer a question with another question Lauren!"

"Brad sort of put his hands around my throat one time while we were having sex and I couldn't breath for a few seconds but it made us both cum really hard." Lauren said.

"Oh. Well I've thought about Maia Mitchell one time and came pretty hard. I think I even moaned her name out loud a little."

Lauren felt herself grow turned on at the admission. "Maia from Spanish class? Wow," she winked and Camila giggled.

"Never have I ever used anything other than my fingers to masturbate."

Camila blushed and gave it away straight away. "I used a hairbrush once, it was thicker and longer than my fingers so..You?"

Lauren was getting more and more surprised at the younger girl. "I've used a dildo...I've got one." Lauren said.

"Do you actually?" Camila asked, receiving a nod from the older girl.

"Hmmm, ok..never have I ever gotten hickeys."

Lauren drank.

"You've never gotten a hickey before?" Lauren asked, shocked.

Camila shook her head 'no'.

"Have you ever given one though?"

"Nope, I don't know how," the brunette admitted.

Lauren widened her eyes, "seriously?"

"Nope," Camila said, popping the 'p'.

"Teach me," she said, in a moment of boldness. "Tick them both off my list...give me one so I know how to do it." Lauren was a little shocked. She didn't know whether to do it or not. They had been friends for a while, wouldn't this be weird? Especially since she was straight. She just shrugged it off and decided to put the blame on the alcohol if things got weird in the morning. Besides, Camila was a lightweight so she probably wouldn't even remember this in the morning.

"Ok, come here." Lauren instructed.

Camila sat opposite Lauren and stretched her neck to the side. Lauren grabbed her jaw with her thumb and index finger, turning her head to the left. "Ready?" she asked. Camila nodded.

Lauren leaned in and placed a small kiss on the tanned neck, She heard a low sigh from Camila and smiled.

Lauren dragged her teeth on the skin and slowly closed her mouth, trapping a bit of skin between her teeth. Camila gasped and Lauren could feel goosebumps on her skin. Camila's hands automatically went to Lauren's hair.

Lauren sucked hard on the bit of skin and soothed over it with her tongue, she kept doing this until she heard a moan from the smaller girl and felt a slight push on her shoulders. "I can't, please stop." Camila said.

"Did I do something wrong?" Lauren asked worriedly.

"No, it was perfect, that's the problem! You're my best friend, I shouldn't have felt anything," Camila replied, laughing.

"But hey, you've now gotten a hickey so drink up," Lauren said, "wait a few more minutes and then go check it out." Lauren advised.

In reality; Camila didn't have to wait, the bruise was already on show but Lauren wanted Camila to be a little more drunk before she saw it. Lauren had gone a little overboard and Camila's neck was sporting a pretty nasty dark bruise and she was sure Camila would get extremely worried and maybe pissed off.

"Never have I ever kissed a girl," Camila fired quickly.

Neither girl drank.

"Wanna cross it off the list?" Camila asked.

"Camz, you're drunk," Lauren said, knowing full well how much of a lightweight the brunette was.

"So what?" she whispered, moving to sit on Lauren's lap, each leg around her waist, essentially straddling the older girl. Lauren breathed deeply.

"Kiss me," Camila breathed out. Lauren shook her head. Camila didn't accept the rejection and reached down with her face and placed an open mouthed kiss on Lauren's bare collarbone. Lauren moaned accidentally and Camila smirked.

The two leaning in at the same time joined their lips together. Lauren's breath hitched in the back of her throat and Camila whimpered.

Camila started grinding her hips down and feeling Lauren tense up. The older girl ran her hand over Camila's breast and squeezed, making Camila moan, but the smaller girl quickly pulled away.

"Fuck..." Camila whispered.

They spent a few minutes simply staring at each other until Lauren coughed and Camila moved off of her.

"We should get going or we'll be lining at the door for hours." Camila agreed and the two made their way towards the club, already drunk and very horny.

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