Fifth Harmony

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This is the sequel to H4RMONY.

It feels a little rushed, so it might not be the greatest chapter but I hope you enjoy it nonetheless. Xox

"Now if you could all please welcome my next guest, she's a Grammy winner and three time Peoples Choice award nominee, her album debuted at number 1 on the charts, world wide - please welcome Camila Cabello!"

The crowd went wild with cheers and claps. Camila walked out into the stage wearing a black and white Dior dress.

She hugged the blonde host and sat on the couch.

"Welcome!" Ellen smiled. "How are you?"

"I'm good!" Camila replied. "You?"

"Good good! Now, let's jump straight in shall we...your album, Love and Other Lies. Is it about Lauren?" The crowd laughed and smiled along with Ellen.

"Nooo!" Camila chuckled. "I can't tell you how many times I've had that question thrown at me!" She clarified. "But no, Lauren and I are and always have been strictly platonic friends."

"Ok then! Is it about Machine Gun Kelly?" Ellen asked.

Camila winced at the mention of her boyfriends name but shook it off with a smile and a small laugh.

"I think the album is mostly about life itself you know? It's about the things we go through on a daily basis and how we get through them, it's about being happy in your own skin and not needing anybody else to make that happiness stick," she explained.

Ellen smiled and nodded.

"You've won a Grammy! Is that something you ever imaged you'd do?"

"Absolutely not! I was so shocked when to even be nominated let alone win it!"

A few more questions came up that camila easily answered through them. She did, however, choke on one particular question.

"'s been a good five years since you were a part of fifth harmony's that going for you, do you still get along with the girls, are you all still friends? Will there be a reunion?"

Camila's smile faltered slightly. "It's going well, I mean, we both as artists are making music that we can be proud of and we're not tied down to labels that we're not happy with so yeah, everything's good!" She exclaimed. "And yeah, the girls and I had a strong bond, we're not as close as we used to be, that's obvious, but we're in that position where even if we go months without talking we'd still gossip and talk like there was no tomorrow! And about the reunion, I'm not so sure!" Camila laughed.

"So you wouldn't like to see them?" Ellen asked.

"Oh no, I'd love to see them, I thought you meant the singing type of reunion!"

"Well I'm glad you said that, because they're here!" Camilas heart started beating unbelievably faster. "Please welcome to the stage, H4RMONY - Dinah, Normani, Ally and Lauren!" The crow were on their feet, clapping for the girls.

Camila was standing up, looking at the doorway, slowly clapping, her heart beating furiously. She let out a sight of relief when she noticed that the band was missing one member. Just coincidentally enough, the one missing was the one whose heart she had broken to a million little pieces.

"Hi!" Ally greeted, along with the other two.

"You seem to be missing one!" Ellen stated.

"Yeah, Lauren wasn't feeling to well, she was really gutted to be missing your show but she sends lots of love!" Dinah explained.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2017 ⏰

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