Not Blood Related

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Camila couldn't believe her bad luck; ever since her parents had divorced not once had her father reached out to her and now all of a sudden he wants her to spend the summer with him and his new family? No way.

"No way mom."

"Camilita don't be like this, your father misses you," Sinu said.

"Really? I would have thought that he'd be too busy with his new kids," Camila argued, referring to the kids his new wife already had.

"This conversation is over mija, you're going."

"This conversation is over mija, you're going," Camila mocked, overdoing the accent by a long mile.


"Camila, honey! I'm so glad you made it!" Clara exclaimed with a big smile.

Camila simply put on a fake smile and let the older woman carry all of her 5 luggage bags to her room upstairs, in three trips while she simply stood there looking around the house.

"What's with the resting bitch face? Mommy didn't let you drive your Bentley over? Had to take the private jet instead?"

"Who the hell are you?" Camila asked.

"I'm your sister," the girl winked and walked away after grabbing an apple and biting into it, licking it suggestively.

Camila made a disgusted face and scoffed, "great!"


"What the hell dad?!"

"Mija, don't raise your voice to me. I told you, this is our of my control," the man said to his daughter.

"So what, I came to LA for nothing?" She asked. "I had a fashion shoot to do in New York and had to cancel because my dear daddy wanted to spend the summer with me. Now you're telling me that you and your lovely new wife are heading overseas? COME ON!" She yelled.

"Clara and I will be taking care of business, Camila. I know you may not understand this since your mother simply hands you everything you wish, but people actually work hard for money."

"Excuse me, but I work hard for my money; shopping's a lot of work." She muttered under her breath.

"You'll be staying here with Lauren, her siblings are spending the summer with their grandmother so it's just you and her," he told the brunette.

"What?! Dad! Please don't leave me with satan, I beg of you!!" Camila begged. "Daddy her closet is literally made up of black clothing and she hates me, I'll probably be dead when you come back!" She cried.

"Don't be a drama queen Camila, Lauren's a lovely girl."


"I wish I could just head back up to New York, honestly, you don't understand babe, this summer blows!"

Lauren scoffed at hearing the brunette's voice on the phone next door.

She leaned against the doorway and smirked at the younger girl who was sat on her bed.

"Urgh, babe I have to go, my lovely sister is basically murdering me with her psychic powers from hell," Camila muttered.

Camila hung up the phone and got up from the bed, making her way towards her closet to pick some clothes out. "Can I help you?" She asked the girl at the door.

"You ratting me out to your boyfriend already? Typical," she laughed.

"..girlfriend," Camila corrected. "I was talking to my girlfriend actually."

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