Modern Dating

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"I hate this Dinah."

The blonde girl sighed exasperatedly, tired of hearing her friend moaning at her constantly.

"Would you shut up! This isn't rocket science, you won't get laughed at and you're not going to get killed, calm down!"

Camila huffed and crossed her arms like a child. "Dinah, if people at work find out I've stooped as low as online dating, I'll be the laughing stock of the whole hospital."

The younger girl laughed. "Mila, you're a nurse, everybody knows how hard it is to date when you work as hard as you do, besides - online dating is completely normal, hundreds of people do it, it's none of their business, just yours."

Camila knew Dinah was right, but she was still embarrassed about having people knowing she was looking to meeting people online without knowing them first.

Dinah grabbed Camila's phone and downloaded a few dating apps, using her thumb print to access the password.

"ughhhh! Dinah  I don't want to do this. I'll just live out my life with my dog, it's fine, honestly, I don't need love," Camila stressed.

"What's your problem mami, just go with the flow and let love come to you!"

"But what if I like someone and they look at my profile and laugh because I'm too ugly or too skinny and they'll show it to their friends and they will all laugh at me!"

Dinah started laughing at Camila's ministrations. "Babe, first; you are gorgeous, you are incredible so shut the fuck up. Secondly; you can just wait until someone likes your profile first, so then you're the one that can laugh at them instead! Thirdly yo-"

"Wait!" Ally interrupted. "Why don't you just make her a Tinder account, that way no one actually knows if she's liked them unless they like her too."

Dinah and Camila both looked directly at their friend, wondering how she could possibly know that, since she had been in a committed relationships for years.

"What?! A girl needs to keep her options open. Plus, it's such an ego booster when you right swipe someone and find out they've already right swiped you first." she answered.

After laughing at the smaller girl and gaining another earful from Dinah on why it's the most amazing idea in the world to start online dating, Camila finally agreed to it and made a Tinder account.

"Ooh, he's cute!"

"Dinah! Stop swiping for me! If you want to play the game then make your own account, that guy was so not my type!" Camila argued with her friend.

The three friends continued laughing and teasing each other throughout the night


Dinah groaned at the sound of her phone ringing. She grabbed her phone and squinted at how bright the back light was.

"This better be an emergency or I swear to god I will cut off all of your fingers and feed them to your dog."

"Ok, before you start threatening me, I'm already in the middle of an emergency, I don't need your sass right now." Camila replied. "Fucking help me! This was your idea, you need to help me."

"Do you have any idea how early it is? I need my beauty sleep woman!" Dinah replied.

"Dinah, it's 2 o'clock in the afternoon, if you and your little girlfriend hadn't decided to venture out into a strip club until 4am you wouldn't be this tired, now help me or so help me god I will go over there and throw cold water all over you."

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