Chapter Sixteen

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Chloe POV

Party Central is basically a huge warehouse where we party as a car club it's huge and we haven't been caught by cops since I've joined I think that it's because of the sound proof walls but other people have different opinions

The main people of the club like me, Lee and the best racers have our names written on the walls of the warehouse and a reserved spot painted on the floor

As for all the other members they can park where ever they want but not in those spots that are clearly marked out if they do then they can get kicked out

As I get into the warehouse I see people dancing, drinking, smoking, making out and sitting on car hoods just making themselves look cool

People wave at me and tell me to rev up my engine so I do I make my baby pur as loud as she can with out damaging anything after all she is a classic

I ride around until I see my name proudly written on the wall with all the little doodles I spray painted around it and my skateboard plus my pink BMX bike with helmet and pads

I'll tell you about them later on in the story

But when I get closer I see that someone has already claimed my spot

The car has some blonde slut sat on the hood of it, I think the model of the car is a Mini Cooper at least a 2008 which is crap, there's some probably cheep pink LED lights put underneath it for a glow and I see some big pink furry dice hanging on the windsheild I also notice a pink furry driving wheel cover

The slut notices me and gives me an obvious fake smile and a wave my anger went through the roof

I parked my car where it was, which was in the middle of the make shift road for people and their cars to run through, stepped out and walked over to the little piece of shit not really caring about the traffuc jam i createf

"What's up doll face?" She smirks and looks me and up and down I put my hand on my hip and raised an eyebrow

"You see that name up there" I point and she looks at it

"Yeah I see it that's my name well my ordinary name ugh I hate it such a princess name" she says and my anger went wild

"I take it your new" I say and look her up and down disgusted that I share the same name and gender as her

She was wearing a silver sparkly top that stopped just above her belly button, some white ripped skinny jeans and some major black high heels

"Yeah joined last week"she said looking at her manicured nails

"Well you should probably know that this is my space sweetheart so if I were you I'd get my obviously fake ass off of that ugly cars hood and park somewhere else" I say with a smirk on my face

A crowd was forming now and they were cheering me on

"Sorry doll face I don't take orders from a little whore's like you" she said again smirking and then looked behind me I did the same

I saw that she was looking at my car and I'm surprised to see Harry leaning up against the passenger side of it with his head resting on his right hand, once he saw me looking at him he winked which made me smile and it gave me confidence so I turned back around

"Well maybe you should I'm sure someone here wouldn't mind a suck up for a few good blow jobs" a lot of 'ooo's' and 'ahhs' we're heard from the crowd

"I don't know about you but I'd be embarrassed to drive that hunk of junk around but then again I wouldn't mind sucking his dick" she said licking her lips looking straight at Harry

Car's, Chloe and One DirectionWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu