Chapter Twenty Two

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Chloe POV

I quickly open the door to see my very happy doctor friend

"Kelly!" I shout happily

"Cho Cho!" She shouts my old nickname out and gives me a tight sure hug

Kelly is a 23 year old with bright red hair that's mostly kept in a French braid but today it was in a high bun on her head, she is also the same height as me

She was wearing some black skinny jeans with a big cream woolly jumper and some uggs on her feet she's one of those people who like to be comfy wherever they are

Jade was giggling slightly in my hold which caught Kelly's attention

"And who's this little princess!" She said poking Jade's cheek with her finger making Jade laugh even more

"This is Jade" I said looking at her

"As in the one you saved?" She asked fully coming in and closing the door behind her

"Yeah I guess so" I say looking down and going to sit on the couch and letting Jade sit however she wanted to which was on my lap but with her back against the arm rest

"Hay what's wrong?" Kelly said putting her bag on the sofa, sitting next to me and placing her arm round my shoulder

"Guilts building up inside of me Kel" I say with a sigh

"Aw Chloe don't I'm sure you don't wanna go through again what happened last time" she said using her other hand to lift my head up and then place it back by her side

"It's been 3 months and it's almost Christmas I need to get her home" I say thinking out loud which I do a lot

"Well I say we get to work on flyers" I look at her and she gives me a small smile

"Really? You'll help me Kel?" I ask hopeful

"Anything for my cho cho" she said kissing the top of my head

"Hay Jade" I say with a big smile and she turns her head toward me "we're gonna take some pictures of you is that alright?" I ask and she nods her head frantically with a big grin on her face

"Let's get to work then"

*3 hours later*

All the flyers are done and printed out we've also put something on social media for people to share and Kelly's had a word with the police and I'm gonna drop some flyers off there tomorrow

At the moment Jades asleep and Kelly is having a look at my wound

I'm lying on my back with my arm over my head

"It's quite red and swollen but with what you've told me that happened today that would be normal" she lightly pokes her hands around the wound

"I was told to do daily exercises to help me get back to normal with using my side and shoulder and I don't really fancy laying upside down on my bed and I happen to have an exercise bar on the door of my gym" I say but stopped when she touched a sore area

"And your wondering if you could use that?" She finishes for me

" yep"

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