Chapter Twenty

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Harry POV

I wake up with head on Chloes chest basically resting my head on her boob which is actually really comfy, our legs were tangled together and my hands were hugging her waist

Whilst Chloe was laying on her back with one hand on top of mine and the other lost in my hair

I slowly take my head off her comfy boob and look at her alarm clock it read 9:45

As I was about to rest my head on her chest again she stirs and sleepily rubs her eyes with the hand that was resting on mine

She looked adorable as she did it like a tired little girl waking up from a nap

She opened her eyes half way giving me a lazy smile and the closing her eyes again

I take her sleepy state as an opportunity and slowly flip us over but just as I've got on my back and am about to pull her onto me she quietly screams and the grip on my hair that she has tightens

"Harry..." She breaths

My grip on her hips tightens as I ever so slowly get her body on top of mine this time succeeding

Our legs tangle once again whilst her hand in my hair goes limp again and the other rests on my shoulder whilst her head rests in the crook of my neck her breathing was quite rapid though

I place the covers over us so she doesn't get cold and slide my hands down from her arms, onto her back, hovering over her bandage and once I reach her hips at the end where her top ends I lift it up a little and slide my hands over her soft, warm skin making her gasp

"Fucking hell Harry your hands are freezing" she says into my neck making me chuckle and continue to run my hands on the skin of her back

"And your warm" I whisper

"No shit Sherlock" she retorts back

"Your so mouthy in the morning" I chuckle

"But you love me so it's alright" she mumbles

Something then hits me we've been together for at least a 2 months and a bit and we've been able to keep our cool through all that we've been through so far and its never really occurred to me until now my feelings for her

"Yeah I do love you" I said with out realising it

She then slowly lifted her head off of my chest and looked at me with an emotionless facail expression her gaze never meets mine as she looks at me

She reaches her free hand up and cups my face and caresses my cheek with her thumb. She then runs her other hand through my hair once then takes it out and mirrors the actions of her other hand

Her eyes finally meet mine and when it does a small smile creeps up on her lips, she leans forwards rests her forehead on mine, of course, me being a gentleman I lower my head a little before they touch

"I love you too Harry" she says ever so lightly and closes her eyes

"Wow I haven't said these words in a long time to a girl and mean them" I chuckle

"Just kiss me" she says snapping her eyes open with her pupils big and her eyes darker

I notice my cross necklace hanging closely off of her neck so I hook my index finger onto it and don't waste another second and smash my lips onto hers gripping my free hand onto her side's and gently pulling her up higher

Her legs detach from mine as she moves to straddle my waist and her hands gliding across my body getting lower and lower but as her hand reaches the top of my boxers,which is the only thing I'm wearing, I slowly pull away

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