Chapter Eleven

25 13 0

Nurse POV

It's just gone 5 o'clock in the morning and I'm just starting my rounds around the wards

After a while I reach all the private rooms in the women ward for the more critical patients and I go into the first one I come up to which is room 259

I walk into the warm room and turn the light switch on but nothing happens I guess either a fuse went or the bulb has blown so I get my little torch out and walk over to the bed

I put my torches light towards the bed but notice more than one body laying in it, so naturally I walk over to the monitered side if the bed and see a young girl with a boy around the same age lovingly holding each other it warmed my heart

I let them be and just checked the machines for any change and there was, her temperature has risen and her heart beat is a little faster than I'd like it to be

I gently take her free arm and check her pulse in her wrist and yet again it's faster than it should be

I place her arm back and notice that they are both dressed but just in case I checked the bin in the bathroom and her room for anything used shall we say

I didn't find anything at least they were being sensible and actually rather smart

I walk past the mirror and take a quick glance to see a bit of my grey haired bun was coming out so I just quickly fixed it then walked out the room but before I could even get to the door I hear alarms going off

I sprint towards the bed and check the heart machine to see that her heart beat was much much faster than before and I heard her gasping for air I pressed the crash team button and opened her mouth

The man woke up startled and frightened, he heard the door being knocked on and then saw me and got out of the bed to let the crash team in

They had to put a long tube down her throat again to see if any fluids come out and some did but not what we hoped would come out

I remembered hearing that she'd be out today because of her recovery and being such a good patient but now this might set things back a few days

The team had to take her into theatre again to see if the stitch had opened again

I went over to the young man on the couch with his head in his hands shaking maniacally

"She's going to be alright dear I'm sure it's nothing major"

"Its j-just that..She w-was happy to g-go home..y-you know"

I rubbed his back gently and he leaned on my shoulder letting it all out

I know how it feels to see a loved one be in pain, my husband died last year because of cancer and it was the hardest time I've ever had to face

"Sh sh it's ok dear"

He stopped crying after a minute or two and went back to having his head in his hands I went to go get some tissues for him

Once I reach the supply cupboard I grab a box of tissues and in stooped by one of my nurse friends Linda and she looked very happy for some reason and we chatted

I come back to the room and see that the patient is back but with another small tube attached to her throat and the man had a little girl on his lap and another guy next to him

I place the box of tissues on the table at the top of the couch and went back to my rounds

Harry POV

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