Chapter Twenty Five

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Harry's POV

I've been glancing at the computer screen for hours and Chlo'es been pretty busy

So far she's:
•went to a diner
•helped an old truck up the hill by pushing it
•she got a flat tyre and she fixed it
•but now she's sat on the hood of the Javelin and just staring like she's thinking deeply

I had to look away when i felt my arm get pinched and I pretender that it hurt

"Ow! Why did you do that?" I grown rubbing my sore arm

It was Liam that did it by the way he's laughing behind his hand with Jade on his lap smiling widely

Earlier on she drew  loads of hearts on my hands and she begged me to let Zayn draw a heart with a scroll with Chlo'es name on it and I'm really pleased with it

"We've been trying to get your attention for at least 10 seconds" Liam says

"Well at least you only pinched me"

"I don't know what you mean" he says looking at Jade who smiles happily playing with his fingers

"Me nethwer" she says

I smile and shake my head turning around to look at the computer screen

Chloe had began to cry and I feel powerless not being able to help her

I feel Liam's gaze turn to the screen as well

"Poor girl I can't imagine what she's going through right now it must be terrible"

"Yeah I bet"

At the corner of my eye I see a red flash indicating that the battery in the laptop was about to go and at that money Chloe had got up and started to walk toward the edge of the cliff I started to panic

What was he gonna do?
Was she going to jump?
Should I call the police?

"Guys" I say frozen

Liam kept jade busy whilst the rest look at the laptop

"Oh no" Lou says

"What she doing?" Zayn whisper shouts

"We need to do something" Niall whispers

As she got close to the edge the battery went out so we don't know what happened we just sat there frozen

"Damn it" Niall says hitting the pillow with his hand

"What are we going to do now" Zayn says stressed

"She wouldn't jump" I say with confidence "she told me her biggest fear was death and come on she wouldn't leave the javelin in the middle of no where she would take that with her"

They all nod and we decide to just wait until Chloe gets home

Chloe POV

After my busy morning i found a quiet spot near the edge of a cliff where I just broke down letting all my anger, grief and sadness flow out

It felt good to finally let it all out and I thought of every thing else that might help as well

I walk have to the edge of the cliff, hold my arms or wide, take a deep breath in and screamed as loud as I could

Car's, Chloe and One DirectionWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu