Chapter Nine

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Harry POV

Chloe has just come out of theatre and has got her colour back, they said that her ribs had punctured one of her lungs that's why she had trouble breathing

The paramedic' s had to help her breath when they got to her so they put a tube down her throat and had accidentally hit her voice box so she might not be able to speak for a couple of days

They were able to repair the lung with stitches and the ribs by stapling them back together

They also said that she'll be in hospital for a while at least 3 weeks because she has to have physio to help her with movement and getting things back to normal

They said that I'm aloud to always stay with her seeing as I'm the only person here with her and they want her to not be stressed out if no one was here

Because of her condition she gets to have her own room and not be on the ward and will be asked if she wants to be on a ward when she awakens, I sit on the chair next to the bed and hold onto her hand

She has to have the bed flat and it'll get higher everyday so her ribs are able to get used to movement again at the different levels

They said they don't know when she'll be wake so it's just a matter of time

*An hour later*

The boys have arrived with Jade and she had fallen asleep on the car ride here apparently they had to ask for directions on the way here and whilst in here a couple of times seeing that this is a whole new place to us

There were a couple of doctor and nurse visits to check up on her and give her medicine

She's been asleep for a while now and the doctor told me that everything looks fine so far and she'll be awake very soon

*3 hours later*

She still hasn't woken up the boys took Jade out for lunch and have taken her to the park to play

I said I'd call them when she'd woken up and I said that hours ago I'm starting to get really worried

I mean the doctor said she'd wake very soon and to be honest I'm starting to get very tired myself but then alarms suddenly go off and her body starts to shake

I sprint to the door and yell at the top of my lungs "can I get some help please!"

A lot of nurses come rushing in and tend to her I stand on one side of the room and look at what they've doing to her

Then a doctor comes in and puts a clear tube down her throat, seconds later I see blood coming through the tube from her and I hear them saying about taking her back into theatre

They wheel her out and I'm sat there waiting again

*hours later*

She's out and I has got a little tube coming from throat just in case it happens again when she's asleep

It turns out that one of the stitches had popped off and let blood into her lung, they put even more stitches in

They decided to not keep the big tube down her throat just in case she awakens and chokes on it that's why there's a smaller one coming out straight from her throat

The boys had come back with a bag for me and Chloe and said that they were gonna go back and see us tomorrow

I said goodbye and I even got a hug from Jade and she gave Chloe a kiss on the cheek with my help with lifting her up so she could reach her

Car's, Chloe and One DirectionWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu