Chapter Twenty One

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^ (If I could this would be the cover of my book)

Chloe POV

I walk into the kitchen and decide on eating some cereal for breakfast so I got out some bowls, cereal boxes, milk and some spoons

As I was about to call for Harry there was a knock at the door so I sped walked over to it and quickly unlocked it not looking through the peep hole but I'm sure it wasn't someone to come and rob me

Once opened I see Jades tired little face leaning on Sarah's shoulder whilst Sarah had a bag and Scotty the dog in her hands

"Moring Sarah please come in" I say politely and move aside so she could step in

"I hope I didn't wake you it's just me and my husband both have work today even though we'd love to stay home and spend some more time with this little birdy" she said nudging her cheek on Jade's forehead

I giggle "was she good?"

"Absolutly perfect she ate everything we gave her and went straight to sleep"

"Ah well that's good at least your not a trouble maker" I joke

"Nope the complete opposite" Sarah chuckles

"Has she had breakfast?" I ask

"Yes do you wanna tell Chloe what you had for breky?" She said in a high pitched baby voice

"Scrammbled eggs on toast" Jade said happily

"Ooo yummy" I say smiling

"Oh good Lord I'm going to be late well I hope we can have a play date soon Jade and I'll make sure to buy some chocolate milk next time too" Sarah said

"Yay" she said happily giving her neck a tight squeeze then Sarah handed her over to me and put the bag on the couch

"I'll see you later" Sarah gave me a quick hug before rushing out the door and shutting it behind her

I gave jade a quick kiss on the forehead then put my hands under her armpits and lifted her up so she was hovering over me laughing

"Did you miss me?" I said

"No" she squealed and I gasped

"I bet you did" I said and lowered her down but then to quickly lift her back up and she jumped out of my hands only for a split second and me catching her straight after

She was laughing hysterically every time I did this making me laugh too

"Are you sure you didn't miss me?" I joked

"Ok ok I miwsed you a wittle" she said showing me on her fingers how much she missed me

"That's not an awful lot is it?" I chuckled and brought her down to set her on my hip on my good side

"Sarwa was verwy funnwy" she said

"So am I boring?" I said and she nodded biting her small bottom lip

My mouth dropped so I began to tickle her side's and she went hysterical with laughs again and I ended up setting her down on her back on the couch so I didn't drop her

"What's with all the laughter?" I very manly voice from behind me says

I poke her side once more and stand up straighter but having to slow it down due to the pain in my side

Harry walks over to us SHIRTLESS may I add and Jade sits up on the couch her smile widening as soon as she saw him and he finally noticed her and ran over to the couch engulfing her into a hug

Car's, Chloe and One DirectionWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu