Chapter Eight

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Harry POV

I wake up around 10 in the morning which is a good enough time for me to wake up and my tummy also gave me a little sign for food

I see all the boys still peacefully sleeping and I decide on making breakfast for everyone but not yet for the boys I'll start with Chloe and Jade

I walk into the kitchen and quietly look around for breakfast stuff, I decide on making scrambled eggs for the girls and me with some orange juice as well

I'm shirtless at the moment and I'm getting a little bit cold and I'm a bit too busy whisking the eggs to go put my shirt on but I really should because I don't think Chloe would like Jade to see me shirtless

She won't mind though ;)

My mind suddenly went back to what happened last night when she told me that I was her first kiss it kind of made me feel special in a way because she wanted to as well meaning I didn't force anything on her we both wanted it

I hear the microwave ding and I take out the plastic bowl of scrambled eggs, I separate the eggs into reasonable portions and put it into bowls

I find a tray, some orange juice and some cups

I pour the Orange juice into the cups, Jade having a slightly smaller one, and place them onto the tray

I quickly jog back onto the lounge and put my shirt back on then make my way to the kitchen to fetch the food

I walk into Chloe's bedroom and see Jade awake playing with her dog and Chloe fast asleep with an arm around Jade's waist

I walk over to where Jade is and sit on the floor in front of her

"Hi sweet heart"

"Hi hawy"

She can't pronounce my name properly but it's cute the way she says it

"I made breakfast"

She looks over the bed and see' s the scrambled eggs


I giggle and she does too

"Can you move?"

"A wittle"

She sits up and I place her bowl onto her lap, she immediately started to eat it

I smile and dig into mine

Chloe POV

I smell food

I smell eggs

Yum I love eggs

I slightly open my eyes to see Harry and Jade awake and talking which is a surprise if I'm honest

Jade has been opening to me the most and hasn't really said anything to the boys on to Harry

Harry looks over to me and his smile grows I smile back and stretch my body with some pain of course

"Morning babe sleep well?"

I sit up and rub my eyes

"Better than usual"

"You were tired"

"Makes a change"

We both look at each other until I hear Jade speak

"Hawy made breky"

"Did he? Is it yummy?"


I tickle her tummy and she laughs, we all do in fact I like this it's been a while since I've been in a situation like this

"Here you go babe"

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