Chapter Eighteen

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Chloe POV

I litrally wanted to disapear at that moment when he spoke and he knew that I wouldn't walk away

Hell I even told him my life story where he heard about all the fights I had and races I won and I didn't back out once

I turn around and saw him sitting on the hood of his Porche with his arms crossed over his chest with an emotionless face

Luckily everyone is doing their thing not noticing if attention is what he wanted then he hasn't got it

I detached myself from Harry and started to walk but he grabbed my wrist and tugged me back I look up to see a worried expression on his beautiful face

"Don't worry" I whispered he nodded and kissed my cheek and letting me go

I took a deep breath and walked up in front of the prick crossing my arms over my chest

"what do you want?" I breathed

"Why'd you stitch me up?" he said

"Did you expect me to keep my mouth shut?" I chuckled humorously

"Yeah I actually thought that cause -" I cut him off

"You thought wrong Id never shut up about what you were gonna do to me if I didn't fight back" I said angrily pointing a finger at him

"What was I gonna do to you? I don't know what you mean?" He said actually sounding confused my facial expression softened and I put my arm down

"What did boss say I stitched you up on?" I asked confused

"Me having a smoke and drink on the job and I addmitted to it which got me fired" He said angry at himself whilst I was thinking about why boss would lie about what I said

"Thats not what I told boss" I said truthfully

"What did you say then?"

"I told him that you almost raped me" I said taking steps forward with my voice low

"What Id never - I wouldn't do that to you I mean yeah I've had a crush on you before but Id never try anything on you like that" He said him looking me straight in the eye showing that he meant it "I mean you had a crush on me right?"

"Yeah but with the amount if girls that you had visit at the shop I didn't wanna be another bimbo on your track record" I sighed

"Ok I get where your coming from but can you tell me what I was saying cause I might have had a drink or two that night when boss left and maybe a smoke" he said scratching the back of his neck and I now know what that strange taste was

"James I-I can't" I was getting overwhelmed by the conversation with flashbacks from that night coming back into my mind

"Please believe it or not this has happened before and-" I cut him off not wanting to hear the rest

"Fine you were saying some shit about how I wanted you" I said bravely the words burning my tounge

"Ah I think I may need to lay off the drinking till the weekends so I don't loose another job" he said shaking his head and rubbing his eyes with his hands

"Maybe you could go to a support group and talk about why your drinking so often" I suggested now a little more confortable that I now know that it was drunk James

"Yeah that actually sounds like a plan" He said looking up at me with a thankfull look on his face

"Nice car by the way" I said taking a proper glance at the front of the car

"Thanks was left to me by my uncle when he died" He said placing his hand on the hood

"Im sorry for your loss" I said walking forward placing a hand on his shoulder

"Don't be he was a dick and we only went to see him for pocket money and his cars" he said smiling at the memory

"What else did he own?" I asked interested in the conversation now

"Urm an old 1900's Mercadies he actually left me that as well" He said chuckling

"Do you have a picture?" I wanted to see this car seeing as the one he's sitting on is in really good condition

"Yeah here took it yesterday" he said getting his phone out

(Picture on top)

"Thats nice is it a convertible?" I ask

"Yeah but it's a bit rusty and is stiff to move so I left it down" He shrugged putting his phone away

"Ah did you say 1900's cause I have some greace that might losen it up that I use on the Javelin" I said wanting to help being the good person I am when it comes to cars

"Yeah that'd be great thanks I am thinking about selling it as Im now jobless" He said sighing with me feeling guilty

"I can help if you want ya know with selling and finding a job" I offered

"I except your offer thank you Clo I don't know what Id do with out your help right now" He said smiling at me

"Um Id think you'd be deep in a bottle" I said making us both chuckle

"Yeah true" He said I notice Harry looking over at us and I put my thumb up to say that its ok

"I think maybe day after tomorrow Im free so give me a call then and we can meet" I suggested

"Yeah that'd be fine" He said standing up

"I'll seya then"

"Im sorry by the way I hope you know that" he said with concern in his voice

"And I forgive you Im sure you have your reasons and Im gonna give you your privacy about it"

"thanks" He said opening his arms out for a hug which I accpeted

"Remember ok" I said playfully pointing a finger at him

"I will" He said rolling his eyes and chuckling

I walked over toward Harry "What did he want?" He asked sternly placing his hands on my hips

"He wanted to know why I snitched but we're good now he said that when boss left he had a puff and a swig so he didn't know what he was doing"

"I don't know how to react to that" He said sighing running a hand through his hair

"You don't need to" I said stepping forward on my tip toes, pressing our chests together and cupping his cheeks

He pouted and I gently kissed his pouty lips making him smile and placing a hand on the back of my head so he could slip his toung into my mouth

I pulled away giggling in the end because of his reaction his face was shocked and his mouth was open like an 'o'

"You look so funny right now" I said putting a hand over my mouth

"Well im sorry but I just got a very short kiss from someone that kissed me first" he said sarcastically

"Well i didn't expect you to want more actually thats a lie what ever i give you isn't enough apparently so I've been told" I said jokingly crossing my arms over my chest

"thats not true everything you give me is enough" he said and moved his face closer "even our little intimate moment earlier" he moved away with a smirk on his face, mine with my face now shocked, he then turned on his heel and walked off

"Cocky bastard" I mumbled under my breath having an idea popped into my mind making a smirk apear on my face

Dun Dun Dun haha i couldn't resist leaving it there i hope it was ok

And words of advice if a problem from not long ago happens to happen again plz ignore it and don't start or join in it will only make things worse

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