Chapter Twenty Four

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Chloe POV
Weeks have past and Christmas was getting nearer but unfortunately Jade isn't at her proper home yet

We've had a few phone calls from people but half sounded psychotic and drunk and we also had people come to my flat but yet again drunkies and  crazy ladies mainly

Harry got the job at the garage and I've been in a few times but not on working terms the boss aloud me to work on the Javelin and he was feeling in the Christmas mood so he got everyone a present, even Harry, but told us not to open them until the last work day

Me and the boys have become closer but Zayn is not being sociable at all he's just locked himself in his room and only goes out at night for a piss or food and water

I've offered to talk to him but they said to leave it I even brought Jade up to see the boys new place but he wouldn't even come out for her

Their place is amazing it has 4 bedrooms, Zayn has his own as you would think, two with ensuit bathrooms and a small one at the end of the hall between all the bedroom doors

They have a lounge/kitchen and dinning room in one space and I was all in for moving in for a joke and my luck Harry has a double bed which i didn't know at the time so they acted all for it too as a joke and even made Harry leave a draw empty for me

But I nicely declined and thought it was only fair to leave a draw empty for Harry which he has filled up already !!

I took Jade out a couple days ago to look for a Christmas tree and to get some presents for her but not the boys yet I had an idea for them

All of us decorated my tree and are planning on doing the same for theirs when they actually get it of course

Today is my dads birthday and I don't feel like getting out of bed and it's not just because Harry's cuddled up with me and the lads have kindly offered to look after Jade, no

It just didn't feel right

I know it's been a couple of years since he's died but I'm still grieving over him and with certain moments I do break down

I decided on getting out of the house and to spend some time with myself and actually grieve for a bit instead of holding it in

I remove Harry's hand off of my tummy and gently place it down , I go into the bathroom and do my business then get ready

I put on white jeans with ripped knees, I put on my Surrey Street Riders tee and left it untucked I finally added my black beanie with my hair in two loose plats

I put on my black vans and to feel close to my dad I put on his gold chain with his wedding ring on it

I take one last look at Harry and quickly give him a kiss on the forehead then walk out my room with my phone in hand

I grab a pen and pad and quickly write a note, I then grab my wallet and the Javelin car keys and walk out of the side door to the garage

I lock the flats garage door then open the main one, I turn around and take a good look at what my dad made

Memories flood my mind all the good and bad, happy and sad, life and death

I take a deep breath then get in, the engine starts first time with a roar that probably woke my neighbours up

I take off down the road not knowing where I was going but I do know that I want to be alone and that I was hungry

Harry POV
I was awakened by a pair of cold little hands on my face and a little voice telling me to get up, I decide on pretending to be asleep to fool her

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