Chapter 7

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    'Where am I?' I hear beeping as I slowly start to regain consciousness. 'What is going on? What is that sound?' I try to slowly sit up but I became very dizzy and ended up slamming my head back down on a pillow. "Ouch..." I groan as my head throbs with pain.

    "Riley? Riley are you up?" Said a voice to my left. I think it's a man but I'm not too sure. I can barely hear anything over that beeping noise. "Riley, baby girl, please wake up. I miss you honey." The voice sounds so familiar but I can't quite put my finger on it. I try to open my eyes but I'm blinded by a bright light. "Ughhh..." I groan again as I try to stop the stinging sensation in my right eye. "Someone get the doctor, I think she's waking up." The unknown person says. 'So I'm in a hospital....wait what am I doing in a hospital?' I slowly open my eyes slowly. My vision was blurry from my right eye but my left eye was fine. How is this possible? I have perfect vision. I look around to see my father and the guy that was baby-sitting me. "Why am I here?" I say in a low voice. I can't remember much except that one man was trying to have sex with me. "Riley we will talk more when we get home. The doctor is coming any minute now so relax." My dad said trying to lay me back down.

30 minutes later....

      "Ah, Riley Brooks. Hi, my name is Dr. Marshall. Now I'm just going to do a brief check on what happened to you, is that alright?" He said skimming through his papers. "Yes, please." I hope nothing too bad happened to me. "Ok, so to start off you came in at 4:23 p.m. today. It's now 8:56 p.m. We did a scan over your body to see what all is damaged and we can confirm that you have a badly bruised rib cage, 4 broken ribs, a black eye, a fractured left wrist, a broken left ankle, and there are signs showing that you were raped. Now I'm not trying to over whelm you Riley, but do you remember anything?" I tried to wrap my mind around what he just said. 'Rape?' "I'm sorry but did you say rape?" I tried to act calm but I was on the verge of tears. My innocence, my purity.


Looks like Riley has some serious recovery to do..... Thank you for reading guys I love y'all!

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