Chapter 1

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Amanda and her best friend Ashlan are moving to LONDON. Its a dream come true, Amanda had been planning it since forever and since her and Ash had just finished college, she decide its cheaper to get an apartment together.

--in the car ride to the apartment--
<<Amanda's POV>>
"Hey Ash" I call, "are you nervous?".
"Heck yeah, but still very excited you know this is our dream, plus Dan and Phil live in London" she answers excited.
"You mean we could bump into them at some point?" I ask her like a little kid.
"I mean sure I just hope I dont get nervous and blow them off" she chuckles.

After that the car ride is quiet as I drifted off into the thought of meeting Phil, just the possibility.

--at the building--

First I run straight into the building to be the first to call dibs on one of the rooms, before Ashlan could get there.
"Seriously, AMANDA!" She screams. "You are such a little kid" i hear Ashlan murmur as i stick out my tongue at her.

We unpacked after that glorious moment and we set up the apartment. Very surprised of how amazing it looked *fist bump*.
We spent the whole night watching Disney and pizza.
Until at exactly 11pm, we hear someone knock on the door.
(A/N) I wonder who that could be?

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