Chapter 19

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<<Phil's POV>>
As we walked towards the park.
I felt a million and one thoughts rushing through my mind.
I mean are we ready for this?
Should I wait?
What if she doesn't want to?
What if she is still scared by the threats?

As the moment arrived. The more questions rushed in but also a lot of reassurance like she loves me right?
She is the one an only girl for me and I'm gonna make her MINE.
As I stopped and got down on one knee I felt my heart beat so fast, I thought I was gonna end up in the hospital.
And to think it got even worse when I tried to get the velvet box out of my pocket and stuttered saying...
"Oh Amanda, my sweet little Panda. I know you might not think we are ready for this type of commitment yet, but I cant wait any longer. I love you and you are my one and only, for infinity and beyond. Will you....?

(A/n) I know you all hate me so much right now.....

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