Chapter 17

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<<Phil's POV>>
Airplane day had finally arrived.
I was so nervous.
She was moving back what else could I do.

<<Amanda's POV>>
I feel weird leaving without telling Phil, but I couldn't risk him changing my mind.

Once I arrived at the airport, I went through the scan and everything (whatever). I started boarding the plane, I went inside and sat down.
They closed the plane doors and that's when someone came and took the seat next to me, I didn't look up at them.
The airplane staff came over and told us to buckle up and the usual.
That's when I heard it.
The passenger next to me.
His voice sounded familiar and when I looked at him...........

...... It was Phil.

"Phil?!" I almost shouted.
"Yeah... Hi"
"What are you do-- you know what never mind. Hey staff is there another seat available?"
"Umm no sweetie, please take your seat we are full and about to take off" she said nicely. I just sat down. I was so mad, how did this happen?!

The plane took off and we were up in the air.

"I'm sorry, we needed to talk and you wouldn't go near me and... Well when Ash yo--" he tried explaining but I cut him off
"ASH TOLD YOU!!" I almost screamed. I told her not to.
"Yeah and well I just want to talk and now you are stuck with me. You cant run from this"
"Fine! What is it Phil?! What so fucking important?!"
"I still love you and I always will. I cant bear to loose you. I know things went wrong, but please don't go. I cant live without you" he said making me melt.
I felt the love in his words and he did all this for me.
How could I have been so stupid to leave him? Oh right that's exactly why I didn't want to risk him.
"I understand I feel the same way, but with the death threats... I couldn't bear to think anything would ever happen to you. Specially if I could avoid it" I said holding back the tears.
"Yeah?" I said and at that point the tears started rolling down my cheeks.
"I would rather spend my last day with you, than to spend an eternity without you" he said wiping off my tears.
"Really, I promise"
"So what are we gonna do now? Should we get back together?"
"Yes, I love you"
"I love you too" I said before going in for a kiss, but he rejected it.
"I thought we were back together?" I asked hurt that he denied me.
"If we are getting back together I want to do this the right way, ok?"
"Ok" I said looking sad.
"Don't worry. I just wanna go slow this time ok? I want to build a love stronger than any ever was. I want to love you the way you should be loved"
"Ok. I love you, Phil"
"I love you too, Amanda"

I cuddled into his chest before remembering...
"Wait how are we getting back?!"
"Don't worry I got two tickets back to London after this flight"
"Oh so you came prepared? Wow that's a first" I said smiling up at him.
"I'm telling you, I'm a changed man" He said before kissing my forehead.
I got my lion back... But what does he mean a 'changed man' ?
How changed?
How different will this be from the last time?
Will he still be my old Philly?
Will I love the 'new' Phil just as much?

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