Chapter 13?

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<<Amanda's POV>>

It's been weeks since we uploaded that video.
Me and Phil haven't talked, we have seen each other, but not have not had an actual conversation. I think we are both just scared.
All the hate I have been getting, but I can't tell him. I instead told him they stopped, I don't want to worry him.
"Phil?" I ask as we just sat in opposite couches in the lounge.
"Wanna go for a walk?"
"Sure" he says with no emotion and gets up to get a jacket.
What happened to that sweet guy I used to know?

We went to the park, hand in hand but not feeling the love we used to know.
"Phil? Do you love me?" I ask breaking the deafening silence
"Yes I do! Of course!" He practically scream with worry in his eyes
"Then what's wrong with us"
"I-I don't know" he says stuttering while looking down
"Is it over?"
"No it cant be over!" He says looking at me while tears formed in his eyes
"But what if it is?"
"We can find a way"
"But I cant live like this anymore"
"Live like what?!"
"You know what I mean! The silence between us, the distance....I dont feel the love I used to know!"
"But I wont be able to make it without you"
"I'm scared too, but its over Phil" I finish walking back leaving him there. I couldn't bear looking at him like this.

<<Phil's POV>>

I lost her.
I lost the love of my life.
I stood there with tears in my life until I noticed the sun coming down on me.
How long was I out?
Anyway, I walk back home.
I go into my room hoping Amanda was still here, but turns out she had even moved out already.
I was furious, heartbroken, sad... I felt unloved, unhappy.... I felt left and alone.
All of this over a video.
I know we had death threats that scared is to death.
But I guess that is why this happened.
We were both scared of ourselves and what could happen.
"WHYYY!!!!" I screamed furious.
I went to the kitchen and started drinking.
My life was over... So why keep on going?

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