Chapter 6

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<<Amanda's POV>>

In the lounge we started to decide on a movie and so we ordered pizza

We decided to go old school and chose an 80's film
The pizza got here and we watched the movie, Dan and Ash cuddled on one of the couches, and me and Phil sat together on the other one.

During the film, when Dan and Ash fell asleep, Phil asked.
"Do you know I'm famous on youtube? And if you do, do you care?"
"Yeah I know you are famous duhh, but I don't care i love you for who you are its doesn't matter to me" I say looking at phil as he lets out a sigh of relief
He hugged me tight and whispered
"I love you, Amanda" into my ear.
"I love you too, Phil" I said
Turning my face around and had his face once again inches away from mine.
Staring into each other eyes.

<<Phil's POV>>

I was so close to almost kissing her but instead I ruined the moment, i turned my face away and asked "do you like the movie?" Why did i do that? I was so close, Dan did it why couldn't I?

After the movie we cleaned up since Dan and Ash fell asleep.
"Do you wanna stay here" I ask.
"Yeah I don't wanna sleep alone in the apartment, can I use Dan's room?"
"Sure, I don't think he will mind"
We then sat on the floor, in the corner of the kitchens and chatted for a while until we fell asleep.

--in the morning--

I woke up and Amanda was still sleeping how could someone look so cute sleeping I thought, soon I saw Dan walk into the kitchen and he winked at me, I blushed.
"Can you pass me my computer? Don't wanna wake her up" I whispered.
"Here you go" he said handing it over to me.
I leaned my head on yours.
I never wanted to leave.

<<Amanda's POV>>

I woke up remembering last night.
I had leaned my head on Phil and woke up with Phil's head on top of mine as he browsed on his computer and smiled.
"Good morning" I say
"Good morning, I didn't wanna wake you so I asked Dan to bring me my computer and stayed here" he said blushing.
"Thanks I was tired"
"No problem... What do you wanna do today?"
"Can we get those little tubs of ice cream and eat them?"
"Sure sound yummy" he says biting his lip. I love him, I thought.

<<Phil's POV>>

She is so silly I love her my cute little panda. I still wondered if she had a boyfriend, she seems too perfect not too though. So it would be awkward if she did, maybe that is why I didnt kiss her last night.

--On our way to the super market to get the tubs--

"Umm... I know this is a bit awkward, but do you have a boyfriend?" I finally asked.
"Umm no I'm single and ready to mingle" she says making me laugh.
Then I realized she was wearing another one of my shirts today.
"Hey, is that my shirt?" I ask
"Yeah sorry but i warned you i would steal them"
"You silly girl, it's ok, I'll survive" i chuckle.

<<Amanda's POV>>

I loved his shirts, I loved how they smelled like him. Made me happy.

--in his apartment--

"Wanna go to my room?" He asks seeing Dan and Ash cuddling on the couch.
"Yeah haha" I laugh
We go into his room and sit on the bed.
We begin to eat the ice cream.
"Hey, you got a little on your lip" he says
"Oh really? Can you get it? we forgot the napkins"
He let's go of the ice cream and puts his hands on my face.

<<Phil's POV>>

Now is your chance Phil, kiss her she is right there.
I pecked her lips and say
"Yeah it's gone"
She just stared at me in awe.
"I blew it, I knew you didn't like me that way and now I ruined everything!" I whine, put my hands on my faces and started to cry.

<<Amanda's POV>>

He kissed you and you said nothing.
Now he is crying.
I grab his chin and kissed him softly.
"But I thought you didn't like me"
He said
"No Phil, I love you" I say wiping his tears.
He smiles and kisses me.

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