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Hey hey it's been a while since an actual update! Sorry blame school and procrastination and of course the internet....
Now back to the chapter (ps its around November

<<Phil's POV>>
I woke up with Amanda in my arms.
I missed her so much.

<<Amanda's POV>>
I woke up snuggled up to Phil.
His soft heartbeat was so calming.
I love him...

"GOOD MORNING!!!" Dan and Ash screamed in unison coming into me and Phil's bedroom.
"YES!! Wait we need a ship name!" Dan said.
"Well what's your's?" Phil asked
"ITS....drumroll please.... DASH!" Dan said making us all laugh.
"Actually it's quite clever!" I said.
It was pretty great.
"Umm... What about Philda?" Ash suggested.
"NOO!" Dan literally screamed.

after a while of suggestions Ash said "WAIT I KNOW THE PERFECT ONE PANDA!!!" She screamed blissfully.
"Oh god ITS AMAZING!" Dan said.
Me and Phil just burst out laughing realizing that's the nickname he gave me in private.
"Why are you guys laughing?" Ash asked confused by our reaction.
"It's just that's the nickname I gave Amanda!" Phil said
"Oh wow its actually an awesome nickname I'm gonna start calling you Amanda the Panda!" Dan said
"So its a ship name and a nickname?" I ask like oh god.
"Unless we change the ship name to Phanda?" Phil suggested.
"That's actually a good idea that way we don't get confused..." Ash said.
"Ok then it's settled Phanda it is!" I said. I actually loved the name.

Sorry its short but i have a big test tomorrow and I wanted to update. You know i should just set a date for updates... Good idea or not?

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