Chapter 7

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--the next morning--

<<Amanda's POV>>

I woke up to my phone ringing.
I had fallen asleep in Phil's arms.
So I wiggled out and I reached for my phone.
"No, don't leave me, I miss your warmth, its so cold, so so cold" he moaned
"Yeah yeah, I'll be back"
"Hurry please" he kept pleading till I answered the phone.
After the phone call, I went back onto the bed and cuddled with Phil.
His warmth was so nice.
It felt like I was finally where I belonged.
"Who was it?" He asked
"Just Radio 1, they were calling to see when Ash and I could do an interview.... Wait Phil is this because of you? Did you talk to them?"
"Maybe... Haha yeah I just explained like where you studied how old you where and whatnot and I guess they like it"
"OMG! Thanks Phil, you are the best, I love you!"
"I love you too" he said sweetly and kissed my lips and we stayed there, we didn't fall asleep or anything, we just stayed there feeling comfortable in the silence. All I could hear was his soft heartbeat and his breathing.
It was perfect.

<<Phil's POV>>

That morning was the best thing.
I just held her in my arms.
My arms wrapped around her and her head on my chest.
And I just played our 'I love you's' over and over in my head.
I loved everything about her.
Everything was perfect.

--later in the morning--

We woke up to a note that said..
Hey Amanda and Phil!
Dan moved into my apartment
so Amanda feel free to move out whenever
~love Ash and Dan<3

"That seems sudden" she said
"I just hope they are using protection" Phil chuckles
Its did seem sudden I wonder how their relationship is going...

<<Ash's POV>>

Dan was so amazing. He was sweet and just amazing.
We were just scrolling through tumblr, when suddenly Dan put down his computer and kissed me deeply.
From simple kissing it turned into French kissing.
He put his arms around my waist and I held his hair pulling it softly.
I was practically on his lap by now and he had started to take off my shirt and
I pulled away "D-Dan stop please"
He suddenly snapped, put me down and stood up. All nervous he started to freak out "I'm sorry I took it too far, did I hurt you?"
"No Dan, you were perfect, but I wanna wait, I'm sorry"
" its ok, I'll always wait for you"
He said making me blush and kissed me softly.
We then put on a movie and just cuddled.
Wondering what would have happened, if we had taken it further.

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