Chapter 18

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<<Phil's POV>>
The next morning.
I cant believe that worked.
Im so ecstatic I cant even express how happy I am.
Although I cant say that I am exactly bursting of joy because we are taking it slow, we are still living apart, but I know this is the right thing to do.

Now before we didn't do these steps, like actually having to ask her out and stuff, which made me extremely nervous.
Today I'll ask her if she wants to go to that fancy italian restaurant on Friday (today was Wednesday just saying carry on..).

I went over and knocked on the door, I felt my heart race, what if she doesn't want to? 

Then Amanda opened the door.
"Oh, hi Phil!" She said. Her voice itself made my heart skip a beat. It was like music to my ears.
"Umm.... Hi!"
"So, what's up?"
"Well I was wondering if-f you wanted to go on a date with me to the umm fancy italian restaurant down the street on Friday" I stuttered.
"Oh that sounds fun! Phil I would love to" she said and I could finally breath again.
"Great pick you up at 8pm!" I said and we hugged and parted ways each looking back before finally closing the door.

Soon enough Friday came...
The date didn't go as planned because we ended up having a food fight between us and ummm... Got kicked out of the restaurant, but it was fun and  they were so desperate to get us out we didn't even had to pay.

"Well that was romantic wasnt it?" I said wondering if she had fun.
"Yeah! I cant think of a girl who wouldn't want to have meatballs all over her!" She said sarcastically and we both laughed.
It was amazing.
She was amazing. 

We went out on a few dates, like we went to see "the lion king" play and went to a few movies. Got kicked out of a BUNCH of places.... Dont ask..

I decided to keep it more simple this time. So I decided on a Netflix and pizza date.
Just stay at home in our sweatpants and hoodies.

--after a while of dating use your imagination (no sex....thanks)--

And well we had been dating a few months (as it was already November) , I could tell we kept growing closer and closer together, to the point were we shared everything, and I decided to FINALLY ask her the big question.
She was gonna be MINE.
My little panda once again.

And I knew just how to do it!

<<Amanda's POV>>
Oh Phil. He is so sweet.
He really has changed for the better.
We keep growing together.
I love him more and more every time like if that is even possible.
I wanted him to be (officially) mine again already.
I wonder if he has thought about this.

A few days later Phil invited me to a walk in the park.

It was one BEAUTIFUL night.
The moon was shinning bright and it was so peaceful and quiet.

Suddenly Phil stopped and got (shakily but still romantic) on one knee and I could feel my heart beat faster and faster as he took out a velvet box out from his pocket and....

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