Chapter 11

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<<Phil's POV>>
--the next day>>

I walk into Dan and Ash's apartment, knowing that the girls are out.
"Hey Dan?" I start
"Yeah Phil?"
"How did the video go?"
"Oh it went amazing up till now the fans love her"
"Good good" I say looking down
'What if they dont like Amanda?'
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah I'm fine"
I look up and say
"It's just I'm nervous about me and
Amanda video"
"Well what are you gonna make it about?"
"Well I was thinking a.... Baking video?"
"Oh gosh Phil that is such a cool idea"
"You think so?"
"Yeah! You should totally go with that"
"You just want food"
"Yes plus it will be funny"
"Ok fine" I say laughing at Dan's passion for food.

--later that day back at your apartment--
"Hey Amanda!" I shout
"Yes Philly" she says making me blush
"About our video..."
"I was thinking of doing a baking video, what do you think"
"OMG PHIL!! That sounds extremely fun!!"
"YAY! I'm glad you like it!"
"So what are we making?"
"Well what would you like to make?"
Let's make s'mores!!"
"Mmm good idea! Considering I have never had one"
"Then it's settled" we finish with a firm handshake, just to make it formal. Then we just burst out laughing at our silliness.
"So when are we filming haha" she asks boy how I love her.
"Well we have to get the supplies, set everything, ma--" she cut me off because she kissed me right there, in that moment.
"Relax, it's all gonna be ok" she says to me in a sweet voice.
"Ok, you know I love you right?"
"Yes, I love you too!" Then I hug her and Kiss her forehead.
'Why am I so worried?'
'I love her and that is all that matters, right?'
(A/n) sorry ik its terrible but im sick and I'm not feeling well and i really wanted to update im sorry

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