Chapter 8

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Chloe's P.O.V


"Okay see you later." I said to Brad.

"Bye." he said and kissed my cheek.

He walked away and i turned around and jumped a little.

"Hey Blake." I said with a smile. "What's wrong?"

"Why were you flirting with him?" His eyes weren't brown they were black.

"I wasn't."

"Don't lie to me Chloe, I know you were flirting! Damn your such a slut." He said.

"I wasn't flirting and I'm not a slut!" I yelled at him. And i regret doing that because he did something I did not expect.

He started choking me and then slap me. He then walked away. I just stood there holding my cheek and crying.

About 30 minutes later i arrive at home. I walk inside and smelled alcohol. This can't be good. I was walking up to my room hoping not to get caught but to my luck he did.

"Where the hell have you been!" he slurred.

"I-i was at t-the p-park." I don't know why I was stuttering because i knew what was happening next.

"Don't you lie to me!" He yelled.

"I'm not lying!" I yelled back, which was a big mistake.

He slapped me. I fell and tears were running down my cheeks. He walked closer to me and kicked my side. I cried harder. He was going to kick me again but then the door swung open. I looked up and saw Luke. My brother.

"What are you doing to her?" He yelled at my father. Next thing you know my dad threw his empty beer bottle a my brother and he fell to the floor.

"Chloe call the cops!" My brother yelled. I nodded and tried to get up but my side hurt. I looked over at at my brother and my dad. My brother was covered in blood barely moving.

"Dad stop!" He looked over at me and had an evil smile on his face. He walked towards me and pulled a knife out of his pocket. He kneeled down to my height.

"Goodbye Chloe." He smiled and dragged the knife down my leg. I screamed but he muffled it right away.

"Dad stop please." I cried out.

*End of dream*

Leondre's P.O.V

Chloe fell asleep on the couch, so i picked her up bridal style and carried her into the guest room. I went back to my room and fell asleep.

*3 am*

I woke up to someone screaming, I ran to the guest room. Chloe was sitting there crying. I walked over to her and stood up in front of her. She looked up, and jumped into my arms, and cried.

"It was so real." she cried harder.

"What do you mean?" I heard her sniffle

"My dream. It just seemed so real." she sobbed into my shirt.

"Your gonna be okay." She stopped hugging me. She looked up at me and smiled a little.

"Come on lets go to bed." I said as i took her hand and led her into my room. She got into bed and closed her eyes. I chuckled and laid down next to her. I then let my darkness take over me.

*The afternoon*

I woke up and saw Chloe on her phone looking at something.

"Hey." I said looking at her phone to see what she was doing.

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