Chapter 3

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Chloe's P.O.V

I woke up to the sound of the door slamming. I got out of bed and went to my closet and pick out an outfit. I got out a pair of high wasted acid washed jean shorts, I got my favourite shirt out and put it on. I found my black converse and slid those on before walking down stairs to get some breakfast. I put some bread in the toaster and grabbed my nutella that I hid. I sat down in the living room waiting for my toast to hurry, until my phone buzz.

(Leondre L- Chloe M)

L- Hey. xx

M- Hey. Xx

L- Wuts up. xx

M- Nun just sitting on my couch. Wbu? xx

L- Nothing. Do u mind if I come over? Xx

M- Ya sure. Xx

It was about 10 minutes later when I heard a knock at the door. I opened it up and found Leondre there looking down at me. He came in and kissed my cheek. Of course I was going to blush like an idiot. He took my hand and we sat on the couch. I grabbed the television remote and turned to ask Leondre a question.

"What do you want to watch?"

"It doesn't matter as long as it is a movie." He said before putting his arm around me.

"So what movie?" I ask snuggling into his side.

"How about The Seasoning House?"

"No I hate scary movies." I said shaking my head no.

"Don't worry, I'm here for you." He said giving me a smile and a wink.

While I was searching for the movie my phone buzzed. I went to go and pick it up but Leondre beat me to it.

"So, what's your password?" He said holding my phone above his head.

"I'm not telling you." I said before trying to reach it but failed.

"We can do this the easy way or the hard way." He said smirking. I just stood there laughing. He started walking towards me and put his arms around my waist. He then removed his arms and started tickling me. I fell to the floor laughing so much.

"Leondre... Stop... Please." I said in between laughs.

"Not until you tell me your password." He said ticking me even more.

"Okay... Okay... it's 1025" 

"That's an easy password." He said and got up.

"Leondre just tell me who messaged me?" I said before going back to looking for the film.

"Lucy." he had said plainly.

"And..." I asked concerned on what she had texted me.

"Oh she wanted to know if it was okay if Charlie and her could come over and spend the night with us." I nodded.

"Tell her that's fine." I said and before finding the movie.


"Now can I have my phone back, incase my sister messages me please?" 

"Fine, only because you said it so cute." He said kissing my forehead.


Once Lucy and Charlie showed up we all went to the screening room to watch the movie Leondre chose. I got scared most of the whole movie. But every time something scary happened I would turn my head and I was facing Leondre who was trying not to laugh.

"Okay the movie is over now Chloe." Leondre said picking up my head.

"Promise?" I asked looking at him in the eye's.

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