Reminds Me of a Flower

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She reminds me of a flower.

Her dark bruises, similar to the petals of the midnight flower; and her two lips bleed bright red like the ones in the spring.

She reminds me of a flower, growing until someone comes to pick her; but I think people forgot that once you pick a flower... you kill it.

Plucked and wilting; but even if she's dying, I think she's beautiful.

She reminds me of a flower.

~~ ^w^v ~~
A/N: Hello!! Quick short little poem. Sorry for the inactivity I've been working on so many poems but they're not ready to share yet. I wrote this one two minutes ago so if it's weird forgive me. Also hope you like the painting that goes with it I got creative today. If you ever have some art to share I'd love to see it!!

Also this poem is dedicated to RetroNick  for always supporting my writing wether it's my fanfics or this. Thank you so much! I cry over your support it means so much to me!  You are a beautiful flower thank you!

Lol this authors not is probably longer than the poem... oops lol.

Bye! Thanks guys for all the support!

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