Introverted iNtuitive Feeling Perceptive (The Meditator)

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I am who I am, that's all I can be

If I'm not myself, then who will fill my shoes?

I am original and can't be replaced,

Others may appear similar but I am a beautiful mistake that can't be erased.

If you come to really know me

You will find out I am an INFP

It's not a trait written in my genetic code

it's just a great way of summarizing who I really am.

I am like the freed prisoner in Plato's cave, I see beyond what's there;

I can look beyond the shadow of half truths and break the chains that keep me trapped

because I am a leader not a follower.

Though the words cut deep,

I will not allow myself to be held back against the lingering of voice of what society deems as sane,

Since normal is something I can't be, the world will just have to keep watching with disdain.

I love to learn and grow,

as if knowledge is a glass of water and I'm here to quench an endless thirst.

I am the prisoner who will walk out of the darkness and find the truth.

I am determined to find True Happiness.

because I refuse to let sadness rule my life. I am afraid of feeling alone so I will bring others on the quest with me.

I am inspiring a change I wish to see,

I am a Gandhi wannabe.

There are those who call me weird but being "abnormal" is what makes me free.

They judge me harshly as if I am being called to the stand to defend myself.

But only God can be the judge of me.

A lawyer can't defend my case because I'm the only one who can,

but I will play attorney for those who can't "afford" one.

I am the person who defends people without a voice.

They say God loved the sinners, well I love the outcasts.

The freaks.

The misfits.

Since we're treated like criminals on trial and our crime is being different.

I will change how they see,

I will be the eye doctor who helps those who are blind,

So they can see that these "misfits" have beautiful hearts and beautiful minds.

I am a prophet with a new message, preaching about a new religion called "Acceptance"

It preaches about how it's ok for people to be who they are.

We should acknowledge that "normal" is boring and being unique is a great thing.

I am starting a ritual of looking at the mirror and saying something you love about yourself everyday.

I repeat my favorite poet, telling everyone to "be the weed in a sidewalk crack, beautiful, because it doesn't know it's supposed to be there"

"I love myself" is now a sacred prayer.

People look at me and think I'm shy, quiet and meek but

I am an Aries which makes me impatient, stubborn, short tempered and feisty.

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