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Trapped in a life I don't want to live,
I'm a puppet on strings, controlled, manipulated, putting on show.

I'm trapped.

I have no freedom, no life to live. It's not even my life anymore, it's my parents. They control my present and have already written out my future. This body, this body isn't mine.

I'm trapped.

No say in what happens to me, I have no choice, cannot make my own decisions. It's like I can't think for myself, like I don't know what I want. They think I have no ambition, no goals, that I don't look forward to success. They think I'm stupid.

I'm trapped.

Every order, every command I must obey, or suffer insults, hate and knowing I'm a disappointment.

I'm trapped.

No matter what they say or how I feel I go along with them. Why? I'm forced to... and I'm afraid... Scared of being on my own lost and confused, not knowing what to do; The fear of realizing they were right all along.
So I stay, I let this happen to myself. I let my self be controlled.

I'm trapped.

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