Really Complicated (A Original Story)

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All I remember from my mom was, "Honey, your dad and me are getting a divorce." I always despised my mom since, but I can't say that my dad is any better. He always gives me verbal abuse just because I look like my sucks. I guess God is my only friend in this life because tomorrow is a new day, and I'm just a new face in Ohio. Hopefully, I'm not overdressed.

My two sisters Annabelle and Ginger are in Junior High and guess who has to drive them? Me! Thanks God for the hopeless and pathetic life you have given me, I'm really honored. NOT!!! Ohio is ugly and has almost no good shops like New York does, the closest store to my house is Wal-Mart here; and that isn't my style.

I was raised in class and great taste for clothing. I should be getting the latest Gucci purses and the latest trends of clothes. I should be in New York paying for the Good Life and be in Hollywood. Oh God why did you plan to have me here in this crappy city of Troy. I mean look at how stupid it is here already, the people or actually wearing low paid for jeans.

I feel bad for these people; they should really find a solution to their bad dressing habits. I wonder if they follow any fashion magazines, because if they don't, they totally need too. Obviously, God, you dislike me for some strange reason. However, I love my old life and the old God who stuck by me. At least I still have a credit card from my dad.

It was already the next day and school was starting in an hour. I got into the shower and dried my hair. It took 45 minutes just to straighten my hair and I ran downstairs. There I found in the pale blue kitchen my mom and my two sisters. They were all waiting for me to come downstairs and eat, but since I'm not happy I won't eat.

My mom said, "You're going to be late just like in New York. Why can't you be early?"

I replied lowering my eyebrows, "Sorry that I didn't want to move here, I rather be in New York mom. You know this messed up my life and you go around like you don't give a care about what I want to make me happy."

My mom stared into my icy blue eyes, "Then why don't you call your dad up and ask if you can live with him, because the last time I checked he was an abusive jerk to all of us!" She yelled. I just went outside and my sisters got in the car and we were off to school. I blasted Bruno Mars on the radio, and the song was Grenade. I felt like singing this song all the time, at least God gave me one talent I can use for good.

I parked in the open parking lot that seemed to go on for miles. I opened my car door and lifted my sunglasses to see a stupid looking nerd by me. He just looked at me and my ride; someone is a little crazy. My sisters, Annabelle and Ginger soon got out the car too. The nerd stared at my pink dress and stilettos and just laughed.

"What's so funny nerd?" I asked him.

He only smiled and said, "I have no problem, obviously you do. By the way Mrs. Hollywood, my name is Rex Daniel Adams." I shook his nerdy hand.

I replied, "My name is Kaitlyn Rice. Just call me Kate." He nodded and decided to walk me to every class. We didn't talk at all; maybe I might him because of God. He took me to a music room and it was huge.

We sat by each other as the teacher walked in when the bell rung. She had dark brown hair to her shoulders and was tall. She passed out a syllabus to all of us with directions on how to pass her class. She explained that partners will be competing for a chance in singing in Nationals; that was my dream too. She went on with how she paired us up already, and you'll never guess who I got...Rex.

Rex looked at me as if I had a disease, the nerd is going to taste New York fist in a second. That dream didn't happen because Ms. Kiley gave us both sheets of music that had lyrics included on it. I stare at the lyrics trying to learn them and the beat of the song. I felt a slight pinch on my arm and I looked up. Rex handed me a slip of paper with his number on it.

"Students, you know this is important, right? If you want to go to Nationals this is your chance to shine. Don't disappoint me, because our school never won one; I heard a certain someone in here is really great at singing. Kaitlyn, you know you're our only chance," Ms. Kiley said.

I replied, "There are other talented people in here as well, I'm really not that good." I looked down at the paper.

She gave me a reassuring smile and said, "You won numerous school singing awards and went to nationals before and won. New York loved you, so does Ohio."

I laughed, "I don't fit in here, and I don't even think I could win. Maybe Rex can, I see that he's talented."

Rex looked at me with the death glare. His tan complexion made him look as if he was from California. He had the dark hair too. He then spoke up, "Maybe we can do a song together for Nationals. I believe they wouldn't mind."

Ms. Kiley's face lit up and she said, "Great idea Rex. I will wait and see how you perform on you duet together. Thanks for the advice on the situation." If we weren't in a classroom right now he would be so dead.

"Yes Rex...good idea," I replied giving him my death glare. He smiled and the bell rung, off to math. He had math too which made him unbearable. He sat by me and talked his mouth off the whole time. I ignored him and then it was Social Studies.

Even in Social Studies he was in my class. KILL ME NOW GOD!!! He wrote me notes every five minutes and I thought I was going to break in front of the whole class. Finally the lunch bell rang and he accompanied down to the lunch room. We bought lunch and sat by each other. He stared at me for the longest time.

"What?" I asked him.

He shook his head, "I'm trying to figure you out. Your kind of snobby and yet your kind. I don't get it at all."

I replied, "Good, because I'm really complicated."

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