Really Complicated Chapter 4

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Mr. and Mrs. Adams greeted me at the door and Rex came down the stairs. I walked into their house after they invited me in; Rex took me my right hand into his left hand and we followed his parents. We sat at the kitchen table with them and the mom served us dinner. Dinner was delightful and I helped clean up. His mom was pretty for her age, she had black hair and brown eyes.

"Kaitlyn your such a lovely young lady, and I am glad you are dating my son Rex. He has never dated anyone before that I know of," She said to me.

Rex walked into the kitchen and sparked up a conversation, "Mom, did you know she is the only girl willing to deal with my antics?"

His mom replied with a chuckle, "I didn't know. I kind of feel bad for her because you never dated a girl of her status."

Rex then said, "Well I have dated many girls who weren't as rich as her yes but she has changed so much."

"Yeah, Rex has taught me a lot Mrs. Adams. He is like my personal super hero but more annoying yet I like that about him."

She smiled and left the kitchen. Rex and I then sat on his couch and he turned on TV. He went to a movie channel and Mr. and Mrs. Smith was playing. He held me during the entire movie and he looked at me here and there. I could feel my face turn red each time he would stare but I like it.

We then took my belongings up to his room and put them in the closet for now until Sunday. We sat on his bed and laid by each other. We had music playing and he played Just The Way You Are by Bruno Mars. Is it me God or does he know everything about me. I smiled as he sung along to the song to me.

"Your such a romantic Mr. Adams, can you teach me some of your romance tips?" I asked him.

He replied, "Only if you don't tell anyone else because other girls will be trying to claim me Ms. Rice."

I smiled and kissed him softly and lightly on the lips. "I promise Rex, but that won't mean guys won't be wanting me. I'm just as popular."

He chuckled and said, "First you have to earn their trust, and you earned mine fast."

"How?" I asked.

"Well, first you were pretty but I saw more than that. You had a pure heart but needed someone to show you that." Rex said and kisses me.

I kiss him back and reply, "Well your not what I thought either."

"And that was?"

"A nerd," I said while laughing.

He smiled and laughed with me. "I'm glad I'm not so much of a nerd anymore. I wear glasses but I am a handsome guy underneath, right?"

"Yeah Rex. You are amazing and you saved me from totally destroying my chance at this school. Thanks," I said to him.

"No problem Katie." We kissed for a few seconds and he sat up. He thought for a moment and then went to the closet and handed me some earrings.

"What are these for?" I asked him.

"I bought them a while back for an ex but I felt that she wasn't the one and saved them for someone I thought was. I think you are the one for me," he said with a smile.

I took them and got off the bed and hugged him tightly. He hugged me back and we shared a short kiss. "I love you Rex and these earrings are beautiful."

"Your welcome Katie. You deserve them more than anyone and I have a feeling they might go with some of the fancy dresses you have from New York," He replied to me. "I love you too Katie by the way."

"I totally owe you and when we go to New York I'll get you a watch or something as a gift."

He replied, "No I insist you don't buy me a gift. You're the only gift I need and have."

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