Really Complicated Chapter 7

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The days at my dad's passed by so fast because Rex was there. Took back his class ring and his gifts he gave me. I misjudged him because I didn't want to be rejected by him, and we got into our very first official argument. I apologized many times to him because he deserved a apology from me. I just hope we can repair that part of our relationship even if it was a bad moment.

My dad left me his visa card so I invited Rex to the mall. He accepted and we walked there. We held hands to the mall and inside. I showed him some of the hot spots of the mall and the not-hot spots of the mall. We windowed shopped almost the whole time but I bought some make-up for me and some cd's for him that he wanted.

My dad was always busy at the recording studio with mainstream musicians that I never get to meet. I want to help him with his job sometimes but he never lets me because I'm to young to help out right now. He produced and wrote songs and signed people to record deals. I hope he works with some of my favorite singers, it would be nice if I could meet them too. Anyways Rex and me then sat in the food court with our food.

Rex wore a muscle shirt that showed off his muscles and tan skin. He looked amazing and always did, even when he dumped me. I wish I looked half as good as he did, I mean he should get more dates than he told me he has gotten. I was pretty, but mostly average in my opinion and sometimes I think I'm not good enough for him. He won't let me tell him that though, I don't know why.

My blonde hair was curly today because I felt to lazy to straighten it out. I get that from Rex, let's say he has grown on me over the past few weeks I've been with him. I think it's for the better because I was once a snobby new girl in Troy, but thank you God for helping me meet Rex. I owe you one, actually I owe you over thousand times. You wanted me to be in Troy all along and I never thought about that, but Rex has had me thinking that maybe this is where I belong.

Rex has made me see that Gucci wasn't everything in life and that the hottest trends weren't really the hottest. It's strange to learn new things but yet you have to learn them for the greater good for yourself. Learning wises you up and teaches you lessons and that is why we also have school. Although school is boring and lame, it's there to help you build on skills you will need later on in life for a job.

I always hoped to make the big time and I admit I have more of a chance to make the big time than anyone else in Troy. Being a Trojan has really made me learn that being rich doesn't make you likable but hated. People will think you have all the breaks in life and that you don't care about others, but that you only care about money. Trust me money was once my best friend besides my Gucci purses and expensive brands of make-up I owned. Now I just buy cheaper make up and get a allowance.

The only time I get to hold a bunch of money in my hand is when my dad gives me his visa. I wish he dropped work once in awhile to spend some quality time with me, but next time I will because right now Rex is all I'm focused on. He makes me feel special and makes my heart beat so fast because I love being with him. I do look around my back to see if he will screw up his chance with me, but I doubt he'll sabotage it. All couples have issues and right now its Rex and me who had the issues.

I wish people didn't have to face problems but how else would we learn. You did this God so that people could learn a lesson and remember what they have learned so they can use it in the future. People take lessons for granted and let them go to waste, but I won't. I want to learn new things, and I want to smell Ohio's air. It's grown on me and its taught me how to be a better girlfriend too.

Sure I'm not perfect but no one is and no one can say they are. Maybe the celebrities can, but I won't ever say that. I'm just the same as everyone else, treat people the way you want to be treated. I've learned that the hard way but I learned didn't I? I sure don't go to the rich school's anymore, I go to the one everyone has to.

It is my life there and I owe my mom a apology. I may not like Kris but he might be a good guy and I missing out on that because I don't want a step-father. That is selfish of me to hold my mom back on something that she wants for herself to be better, and if she loves him why should I prevent that? She doesn't interfere in Rex and my relationship, so I should mess with hers. I also owe Kris a apology, maybe I can hang out with him someday so I can get to know him.

Life is full of chances and I have just woken up to them. You can't let them go past because God wants you to take the chance and do them. You have to stop once in awhile to smell the roses as the saying goes. Life can have its ups and downs but when the ups come you have to take a chance and go with it. Every once in awhile you have to step out of your comfort zone to try new things and that's the definition of me.

"So when we go to Troy, what do we tell people?" I asked.

He said, "Just tell them we got into a argument and over a trip to New York we patched things up. It's not a total lie, its mostly the truth."

I nodded and said, "Your amazing when it comes to ideas."

He blushed red and it made him look cute. "Well you know me, I am always thinking of ideas and I'm full of them too."

I smiled, "I like that a lot and you probably don't know that. I am a sucker for nerds though."

He chuckled but said, "I'm a sucker for rich girls who learn to blend in with us normal people."

"Don't forget it," I said. I kissed his cheek and we threw away our trash and made our was back to the mansion. When we got there my dad was actually there, he had gift baskets for us.

"For my daughter and her boyfriend Rex," My dad said and gave us it.

"Thanks daddy and here's your visa," I said and gave it back. He took it and hugged me closely to him. He smelled of cologne and shampoo.

"I think tomorrow we should all go to a movie. Sound good?" My dad asked.

"Yes daddy," I said and I looked to Rex.

"Sounds good sir," Rex said to my dad.

Now he acts like a dad, maybe he's changing too. All this time in New York without my mom and me might of showed him the light. On Sunday we will attend church and Rex will meet some of New York friends. He will love them I hope because they shouldn't have changed. Maybe they will like to here about Troy, its amazing there.

For now I'm going to make dinner for Rex and my dad, and talk with them. I now have a chance to get to know the man I never actually knew my whole life and he didn't know me. I forgive him for not being there but he should have been my dad when I needed him to be. I hope I'm not asking for much, am I? I can't wait for the movies, Monte Carlo is the one I want to see.

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