Really Complicated Chapter 5

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After my weekend at his house I went back home and my mom was there waiting to see how it went. I sat my belongings in the living room and smiled at my mom. She took my bags up to my room and Rex came inside. My mom's boyfriend Kris sat on our couch watching our television. Someone needs to tell him to get his own television and his own couch to sit on.

Kris acknowledged me finally, "Hello Kaitlyn."

I didn't show any emotion on my face when I said, "Hi Kris, it's nice to see you again. You in my house."

Kris looked away and I turned my attention to Rex. He said to me, "I had fun this weekend, it was a blast having you over at my house to meet my parents."

I pulled him into a hug and said in his ear, "It was a pleasure of mine to spend the weekend at your house. I hope to go over there again. Plus your parents were awesome."

He pulled away and kissed me good-bye and he left. I didn't want him to but I had to let him go back to his house. After all I will see him at school, and I will eat with him at lunch. My mom and Kris were now on the couch holding hands like a teenage couple would. It disgusted me to see them act that way and no offense to older couples. just wrong. I went upstairs and straight to bed hoping that I wouldn't have to see Kris again.

At school Rex and me worked on our song for Nationals. It was coming along just great and I put so much effort into it, I hope the judges love it. This song can be my big break that I need so much and I believe it can be Rex's big break too. We sat by each other at lunch going over school and our homework. Mr. Durbin never assigns much work because he hates grading so much.

He acts like a teenager when it comes to grading, which makes no sense since he's a adult. He is pretty funny when it comes to teaching and he loves watching movies with the class that involves something that we learn in class. Why can't all teachers be like him? Rex and me split chili cheese fries and a milk shake he bought at Mikey Stand's Milkshake Shack. I was so wrong about Troy and how the people live here, I feel so bad for how I have treated them but it was because of who I use to be.

Rex blushed when my hand touched his for a brief second. He smiled and he ate some of the fries. I ate some of them too as I worked on my English homework with him. Two boys sat at our table. They were Rex's buddies who I never actually met yet.

The one with blonde hair spoke, "Hi Kate, my name is Clark Jenkins."

Then the black hair one spoke, "And my name is Jack Keyes."

I smile and said, "Hi, nice to meet you both. How do you know my name?"

Clark replied, "Rex told us."

I looked at Rex and his face smiled. His dark hair complimented his tan skin which was so handsome. I guess I could live with him telling his friends I'm dating him, right God? Rex put the piece into a book and sat it aside. He smiled at his friends and me, but this time he seemed a little upset.

"Look Clark and Jack, me and my lovely girlfriend are busy," He said calmly.

Jack responded by saying, "We will go then. Text me later." Jack and Clark got up and returned to their original tables. Now that it was Rex and me alone, we went back to being all lovey-dovey. This man couldn't be more perfect could he God?

I said, "Your friends seem nice."

He laughed and put his hand in his hair, "They are okay guys. I just don't want them bothering you with nerd stuff."

I giggled and asked, "You know that I thought you were a nerd?"

"Always have." He said.

"Sorry if that offends you," I said.

He smiled and kissed my hand, "It doesn't because the nerd has the prettiest lady in the school. Tell me how that is."

I smiled softly with a slight blush on my face and replied, "Maybe the nerd doesn't realize that the prettiest girl at the school thinks he's the most handsome guy alive and at this school."

He blushed red, "The nerd says he loves her."

"And the prettiest girl says she loves the nerd back." I said and we kissed real fast.

After school we sat in the parking lot while I waited for my sisters to get out of school. We had about a half hour to a hour to hang out alone. Rex sat on my car with me as we talked about what we liked and what we want to be when we are older. I realized I had so much in common with him that it amazed me. I didn't know he wanted to live in California one day and work as a music artist like me.

I'm guessing you already knew that God because your the best and your the all mighty one. I am in awe of you and I respect you. From now on I am going to try to please you and keep you mind more often. After all life is a big mystery waiting to be solved. Maybe Rex and me aren't really complicated; wait...that's just me. I'M.SO.COMPLICATED!

Why am I complicated? I really need to find out that answer because I really don't know why its just because I was made and raised that way. I should ask Rex why he doesn't think I am really complicated when I am. Hopefully my life isn't a big story or reality t.v. show because that would get annoying. Life is actually complicated, so maybe I am not really complicated after all.

Ginger and Annabelle finally got released from school. Rex and I said good-bye and I drove them and myself home. We of coursed blasted Bruno Mars the whole way, and I can't wait to meet him soon. It is a dream to meet Bruno and I wouldn't mind if i got his number. We could make a top ten hit together.

I need to stop dreaming because my dreams will never come true and that's because I dream to big. Step 1: Dream smaller dreams. Step 2: Make a EP. Step 3: Marry Rex. Step 4: Become famous and live in a big white house.

That's not to much to ask for is it God? I'm not insane right? I hope not because that would stink. For now I'll stick to what I'm good at and that's dating the totally hot nerd. Ironic right, because the pretty girl dates the hot nerd.

When I walk into the house I see Kris again. GOD PLEASE MAKE HIM DUMP MY MOM!!! Please?!?!? I will do anything if you just grant this one wish. No?

It was worth a shot, but anyways he is smiling at me like I'm his actaul kid. He is pathetic, I don't even see why my mom likes him. I smell lair all over him and that isn't good. My instincts are usually correct and that's called female intution. I hope my mom gets it one day, its like a connection between females to communicate.

Kris finally spoke, "Kate, how was school?"

I replied, "The usual, boring."

He nodded and said, "Don't forget that High School is better than college. Trust me a job will make you wish you were still in school."

I faked a laugh and smile and said, "I believe that. Anyways time to study. Bye Kris."

I am really complicated but so is my mom.

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