Really Complicated Chapter 3

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I went up to my bedroom and texted Rex goodnight, and he texted back goodnight as well. He put a love heart with his text message, but I didn’t because I didn’t know how our relationship will be in a few weeks. Also, I didn’t want to push him into liking me. I mean I know why God had me come here; it’s to change Rex into a more caring guy.  Thanks God for having my back on this one, I owe you big time.

In the morning my mom came into my room and woke me up. She made a family breakfast for my sisters and me. When I went downstairs I saw a male at the table, he had brown hair and brown eyes. I sat down across from him at the table as my mom brought all of us plates with food on it. I ate very slowly watching this mysterious man, and he was watching me.

I finally asked, “Who are you?”

The man looked me in the eyes, “I’m your mom’s boyfriend. My name is Kris.”

I frowned and replied, “My name is—“

He interrupted, “Kaitlyn, right?”

I answered, “Yes.” He smiled at my sisters and me. My mom sat by him finally and started a conversation with him. Ginger and Annabelle looked at me and we all shared the look of dissatisfaction. I grabbed my plate off the table and stood up and put it in the sink.

I waved at my mom and her boyfriend and I and my sisters left for school. I parked in my usual space by Rex. He opened my door and helped me out of my car. He then closed it behind me and we were off to music class. Ms. Kiley was at her desk and took attendance of the class.

Everyone was here, not a surprise. She gave us more time to work on the songs she gave all of us. Rex and I practiced really hard so we could get a break. He wanted to talk, I could tell. Once we finished practicing, we went into a corner of the room to talk.

He looked into my eyes and said, “What is our relationship anyways?”

I shrugged and replied, “I don’t know. I mean it’s only been a day, and we already might like each other.”

He looked away and then back at me and answered, “So? We could try a relationship. It’s not impossible to love someone after a day or an hour. Isn’t that how crushes work?” He has a point.

I looked into his eyes trying to find out what he was thinking. I then said, “Yes. I want to be with you, believe me. I just want to be sure about this.”

He nodded, “Me too. How about we have our first kiss later on? It would show us if we truly like each other.”

I smiled and replied, “Fine by me Rex.” The bell rung and the day went on as usual. We went to lunch and of course we sat by each other.

He brought me my lunch, “Here you are Ms. Rice.” I took the food out of his hand and smiled.

I said, “Thank you my hero. I will remember you as the prince who saved my life because I was hungry.”

We both laughed and he replied, “I am a hero. You’re always going to need my help with food and style around here.”

That was the truth, and we both knew it. I ate my lunch as we both discussed homework in our classes. Before I knew it, it was the end of the day. We met up outside his car, and he unlocked the doors. We both got in and looked at each other.

This felt awkward, and God you know it was a little bit awkward. Rex leaned close to me and our lips met. It lasted for a few, and sparks were flying. I backed away slowly and we looked at each other. Maybe it wasn’t a bad idea to start dating this talented, incredible guy.

I certainly don’t want to miss out on this chance because you never know who might get it next. Sure he sometimes wore glasses but he was worth my heart; I would give him my heart because this is real. He was the most accepting guy at this school I met, and besides he has a lot of friends I can get to know. I don’t want the benefits though; I just want to be with him. I hope this is where God wants me to be.

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