Really Complicated Chapter 2

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After lunch Rex and me headed to science class who was taught by a Mr. Durbin. Rex sat by me once again and gave me a syllabus. Mr. Durbin was laid back and pretty cool. Thank God he was, he didn’t look it. He just spoke the whole period about who he was and what the class was about.

When it was the last period Rex followed me to Language Arts taught by Ms. Stacy. She was sticker than Mr. Durbin but that’s because she teaches English.  She didn’t give a syllabus but still talked about the class. We will have a test in the end called a final. What is a final test needed for anyways?

It was the end of the day already, finally. Thank you God for letting me survive today. Rex followed me to my car and looked at me. He had glasses on but he wasn’t a regular nerd. He was just handsome, but he could be a jerk.

“Can I help you?” I asked him.

He looked at me once again for the longest time, “You are really complicated, aren’t you?” He asked me.

I answered, “Yes I am. You wouldn’t understand my life, it’s difficult. My mom divorced my dad, and I don’t fit in here.”

He nodded and stared at my clothes and replied, “You are right. With those clothes you wouldn’t fit in. You look like a Pre-Madonna, but I can help you get acquainted with Troy’s style; if you like to of course, so do you want my help?”

“Yes,” I said to him.

He smiled and replied, “Great. Meet me at Wal-Mart, I know it’s not your style but you want to fit in here.”

“You know I do, but I won’t get rid of my closet,” I said. He laughed and smiled at me and wrote down the location of the place on my hand.

“There, now you know exactly where to go. You never know, you might get lost,” He said to me as if I should get lost.

I said, “Thanks Rex.” Lie. I wouldn’t want him to tell me what to be, after all people should like me for who I am, not for who I’m not. He studied me and shrugged as he got into his car. He was gone by the time I started mine up.

About 5:00 pm, I left to Wal-Mart. Once I arrived I parked next to his silver mini cooper. I went inside and found him sitting on a bench; he really couldn’t wait, could he? He looked up at me and smiled. He got off the bench and stood a little over me. He moved a piece of my straightened hair into place behind my ear.

I asked him, “Are you ready to teach me something new about Troy’s style?”

He smiled and replied, “Yes I am. This way my lady.” He took my right hand and led me to the Lady’s isle. He brought me to jeans, and t-shirts. I looked at them, they were tasteless and classless. He looked in my eyes and smiled again.

“It’s okay to wear clothes that you don’t like as long as you aren’t at home and shopping. School is where you wear something casual, not dressy,” He said in my ear.

I nodded and picked out a few pairs of jeans and shirts to go with them. I tried them all on and modeled them to Rex. He liked them all on me, and took them from me. We went up to the register and he paid for them. All of them.

I was shocked that he did so. I even brought my own credit card to pay for them. I want him to explain why he did this. I deserve an explanation, because this doesn’t make sense at all. We walked outside together and he looked at me the whole walk to our cars.

“What?” I asked him.

He replied, “Oh nothing, just that you’ve changed a lot since earlier today. Earlier you were all like “I hate Troy and their style” to “I want to try a new style so I fit in”.” I smiled and laughed at his impersonation of my attitude from earlier. He was so funny, but still he was a jerk. What makes him a great guy is that he is willing to pay for anything for me.

I like when a guy does that, it’s classy. I backed against my car and he was near me.  He held my waist softly and he pulled me into a hug, he smelled great. Cologne was a nice touch; it made him seem less like a jerk now. He pulled away and smiled as his eyes met with mine.

My blue eyes and his dark brown eyes just mixed together. I looked away quickly because I shouldn’t be falling for him. I mean it hasn’t even been a day and we have a connection. I felt his hand on my cheek turn my head back so our eyes met again. They were gentle caring eyes, and it made me feel safe to be near him.

He smiled and hugged me again. I hugged back and I laid my head into his chest. His hands went up to my hair and he touched it softly, it made him smile. I looked down at the ground and back at him. Our lips nearly touched but I backed away.

I said fast, “I have to go. See you tomorrow.” I started to open my car door and I turned back and said, “Oh, and thanks for paying for my new clothes.”

“Anytime,” He replied. I drove off and went home. My mom was on the couch helping my sisters with their homework.

“Had fun, honey?” She asked.

I replied and showed her the clothes, “Yeah. I didn’t get to pay though.”

She nodded and got up off the couch, “What’s his name?”

“Rex Adams,” I said simply to her. He was just the most amazing guy on earth who knows who to be super romantic. Oh God please tell me I’m not falling for him.

My mom gave me a plate with dinner on it and said, “He seems like a nice friend. You needed a friend, and look you made one. He might be a boy, but boys make good friends.”

I laughed and started to eat, “Yeah, especially when they almost kiss you and you want them to.”

My mom looked at me, “You almost kissed with Rex?”

“Yeah, but I stopped him and me from doing so,” I said to my mom.

She nodded, “Why did you stop him honey? It could have been your first kiss.”

I answered, “Because I haven’t known him long mom. I trust him enough just to remain friends for now, but not enough to start making out.” I finished eating and laid my plate in the sink.

“You should now try to build a relationship with him. It could last; you got to have faith in your emotions for him. Also honey, don’t try to convince yourself that you don’t like him.”

My mom left the kitchen and Ginger enters. She starts singing, “Kaitlyn has a boyfriend, and she has a boyfriend.”

I looked at her meanly and said, “He isn’t my boyfriend, just a guy friend from school. That’s all Rex and me are going to be.” At least for now.

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