Really Complicated Chapter 6

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My mom woke me up the next day, "Wake up for school Kate."

Ugh.. I don't want to get up at this hour of the day but I have to. Rex will be at school and I promised to study with him, is there a way to get more sleep without skipping school? A promise is a promise God so I got out of bed and got dressed. I drove to school and there was my loving boyfriend Rex, he was everything to me in this city.

"Hey Rex," I said as I got out of the car.

"We need to talk," He said.

"Okay?" I said in confusion.

He then spoke up and said, "We have to break-up."

"Why?" I asked him.

"I just think we started to fast, I would like us to be friends again," He said.

I laughed, "I don't want to be friends with someone who dumped me."

"Kate don't be that way," He pleaded.

"Rex, I'm out of nationals. Do it yourself because I am done," I said and I started to walk away.

"Wait Kaitlyn!" He yelled and I turned around and faced him.

"Go find someone else to date and dump like you did to me, and have your stupid gifts back," I said and threw them at him.

He held them and said, "Keep it. They are for you, this is just temporary."

"Just like our relationship was Rex," I said and walked away. I didn't look back at him to see his face. Oh God, I hope he is crying.

During music I told Ms. Kiley I am quitting nationals. I then sat back in my seat and looked at Rex. He looked so sad and it made me feel bad but let's face it he deserved it for dumping me.

"Here's your stupid class ring back," I said and gave it back to him. He took it and said nothing. I sat back down and sat by myself the whole school day. At the end of the day he caught up to me and I unlocked my car's doors. I then turned to face him.

"Rex, what part of leave me alone forever don't you get?" I asked in a harsh tone.

He then thought about it and said, "I just want us to get to know each other better before we get back in a relationship. I just want us to last longer."

"Well, look at where that has gotten us. You dumped me, and I hate you for that. Now leave me alone like you should of when I first moved here," I said, practically yelling at him.

He then responded, "You never liked me did you? Was I just someone you used to get a rep. here? I like you a lot and I still do, I just want to try this my way."

"You know where you can take your way and stick it?" I asked.

"I don't want us to fight about this, we need to be on the same page to make this work," He said in a pleading voice. He was trying to reason with me.

I laughed and said, "We are not even on the same page Rex. I didn't look forward for school just to get dumped, I looked forwards to it because the one I loved and thought would never dump was here. But I guess I was wrong to think highly of you and that you wouldn't hurt me. So this weekend when I go to my dad's I'm going to find a new boyfriend and hopefully they won't hurt me."

He asked me, "Is that payback?"

"Yes, yes it is," I said.

He then said, "Do nationals for us, not for me. Do it for the school, and at least make the people here proud."

"For what? Just so you can say you dated the person who won it? Nice try Rex but it seems that your to selfish to realize I don't want to do it," I replied to him.

"No, you're the one being selfish because your thinking about what you only want and not about others. Aren't Christians suppose to help and care for others?" He asked.

That struck a nerve, "Listen you conceited brat, I don't tell you how to live your life and you don't tell me how to live mine. I have my own head and I know how to use it."

"Do you?" He asked.

"Your so annoying, just leave me alone," I said.

He replied, "I will once you want to be friends and want a real relationship."

"Your kidding me right? You want a real relationship which we just had until you broke it off. Think for once in your life, do you want me or do you not?" I asked.

"I don't know, I mean I do, but its to early for us to be officially dating," He said as if he didn't know what he wanted.

I laughed and said, "When you decide let me know. Maybe I'm already gone." I got into my car and left him there.

In New York

My dad picked me up at the airport and he drove us to his house. We went inside the mansion and he put my stuff in my room. I am single and ready to move on from Rex. I'm surprised he hasn't called yet, but I don't care God. There is more guys out in the sea for me.

My dad drove me to a club called the A-List and I was one of the VIPS on the list. I went inside and sat down at the mini bar and ordered a sprite. I sat by myself drinking and then I heard a familiar voice,


"Rex, you followed me to New York?" I asked angrily.

He replied, "I had to, I missed you so much. I want a relationship with you, and no matter what I will try not to hurt you again."

I considered his words and then said, "Fine, I'll go back out with, but only because it obvious you are desperate."

He smiled, "I love you Kaitlyn."

I replied, "I love you too Rex." And then we kissed. A perfect moment in New York, I couldn't have asked for me God.

New York was full of life, love, and respect. you never know if love will find you there again because Rex missed me enough and loved me enough to come here from Ohio. That is saying a lot, and no matter how broken he made me we all have to forgive and forget. Just move on from it and rebuild trust and restart. If we all had a reset button God, it would be used a lot. Imagine all the changes that would be made each day so that the mistakes never happened.

People abuse power and that's why there is no reset button but forgiveness, and I needed to use it. I can't just blame and hate Rex forever although that would be easy. It wouldn't be fair and life isn't fair, but Rex was my first love and I wanted him to be the one. I am not willing to give him up on a silver plater either, to steal him you must put up a fight. I won't let any lady try to make him cheat on me because I'm the only girl he wants in his eyes. I'm his everything and he is mine.

With that in mind I called my dad and asked him to pick Rex and me up from the A-List. He did and Rex stayed at the mansion for a while. I don't even know if he had a place to stay, but for some reason he knew the club I would be at. Maybe I posted it as a facebook status. Oh well, I just loved the time he was spending here with me. A new life starts fresh on a new day.

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