part 48

118 7 1

"He looks at one of the pictures for a long time. Then he looks at me. "I'll keep you up here." He taps his temple. "Where you can't get lost." ― Gayle Forman, Just One Day

Cameron's POV

I got the ring and all of the stuff on Sophie's list. I hope she will say yes because I don't know how I'd feel if she didn't. All the boys will be watching so that adds on to my anxiety. I hide the ring box before opening the door.

"I'm back!" I yell into the apartment.

"We're in here!" I hear Sophie yell while also laughing. I set the bags of groceries down and head into Nash's room.

"What are you guys doing?" I ask, plopping down on the bed next to Sophie.

"Watching YouTube videos." Nash laughs and I see them watching a video on the laptop.

"Did you get everything?" Sophie asks, giving me a kiss.

"Yea." I smile.

The Next Day

Sophie's POV

After breakfast, Cam asked if I would like to have a zoo date today. I of course said yes. I'm so excited because we haven't had a date in a while. I quickly take a shower and pick out my outfit. I choose a dress where the top is grey and white striped and the bottom is light pink. I decide to curl my hair, then apply a small amount of makeup. I walk out of the bathroom and go to the dresser, putting on my charm bracelet and a pink necklace. I grab my phone which has a striped phone case with a heart in the middle. When I walk out of our room, I see Cam dressed in kakis and a dress shirt. Not a good outfit for a zoo date, but I guess it's his choice.

"You look amazing, as always." He says.

"Thanks, you look really good yourself." I smile and we kiss.

"Let's go see the animals!" He yells and I laugh, following him to his car.

When we arrive at the zoo, people hand us maps of where all the animals are. I look through it and my eyes read the word 'giraffe'.

"OMG Cam we need to see the giraffes!" I jump up and down.

"Ok, ok calm down." He laughs and grabs my hand as we walk down to the giraffes.

Soon it was noon and we went to the café to eat. The food was so good and well worth the 30 minute wait. After eating, we went into the souvenir shop.

"What about this?" Cam asked from another aisle. I walk over to him and he was holding two shirts with cartoon giraffes. One shirt said 'I love her' and the other said 'I love him'.

"They are cute, but so dorky." I chuckle.

"Yea, maybe a little." He joins my laughter.

An hour later, we had six huge bags full of gifts for friends and souvenirs for us. Cameron was so kind to volunteer to hold all the bags himself.

"Just let me carry one." I whine, feeling bad that he has to carry all that stuff.

"Okay just one." He agrees, handing me the smallest and lightest bag. I roll my eyes and laugh.

Towards the end of the day, I was pooped. We had done all the things you could possible do at this zoo and my feet were killing me. When we got to the car, Cam put the bags in the trunk and started to drive.

"Where are we going now?" I ask, seeing that he had pasted the house.

"To dinner." He smiles. "I can't take a girl out on a date and not give her dinner."

"You're a good date." I say, making him laugh. He parks in front of a beach side restaurant. I look to our right and see the beach.

"Wow, fancy." I say when we get out of the car.

"I know right, wait till you see our table." He smiles. Our table? Did he already make plans to go here? We step inside and the waiter asks for our name.

"Dallas." He says and she leads us outside to a beach front table. He must of pre planned this. Once she leaves to get our drinks, I start to talk.

"This is beautiful." I gasp.


Double update today!! Also go to @sydnaifanfiction on Instagram to see Sophie's outfits!

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